Exercises To Keep Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Strong
Pelvic floor muscles control the bladder and are used for urination purposes. Also called as kegal exercises, these exercises are meant to strengthen the pelvis and support the organs of lower abdomen like small intestine, bladder, uterus and rectum. Child birth in women, aging, inactivity, obesity, family history of incontinence and chronic coughing are the main causes behind weakening of pelvic floor muscles and hence these exercises are helpful for both men and women to stabilize the pelvis. People suffering from urinary stress incontinence and fecal incontinence can benefit from pelvic floor muscle exercises.
Stress incontinence is a medical condition that takes place when there is a sudden pressure on your bladder which causes urine to leak. This pressure can be due to laughing, sneezing, coughing, jumping and running. Due to this, many people face embarrassing situations. Hence, doctors suggest an easy method to treat this problem and that is pelvic floor muscle exercise.
In order to have control on your bladder, you need to make certain lifestyle changes, like losing weight, quitting or reducing alcohol consumption and staying fit. If you do all these things together with the pelvic floor muscle exercises, you will soon get rid of this problem and start living your life stress-free and without embarrassment.
For doing these exercises, you can stand, sit or even lie down. Just remember that any position you choose, your body must be completely relaxed. There should be no tension in any muscle area otherwise this exercise will be of no use. Now, imagine that you need to urinate and as you do it, squeeze the muscles near your pelvis area as if you are trying to stop the flow of urine. Tighten the muscles and hold the contraction for five seconds then relax for five seconds. Do these at least ten times in a row. Slowly increase the count to ten seconds for tightening and ten seconds for relaxing as you practice. It is recommended to do a set of ten repetitions three times in a day viz. morning, afternoon and night.
The main advantage of this exercise is that you don't need to be in particular position as like other exercises. You can do it whenever and anywhere you want. Just keep the muscles around abdomen, thigh, chest and buttocks in a relaxed position. Also, never speed up the progress and increase the number of repetitions. This can cause muscle fatigue and increase in urine leakage. It takes time and effort to see any changes. While some people may see improvements in the first three months others might take four to eight weeks.
The other ways of exercising the pelvic floor muscles are Pilates, electrical stimulation and biofeedback but the best and easiest one is the one mentioned above. Just make sure that you don't perform kegal exercises and start and stop the urine flow actually while urinating otherwise this will weaken the muscles even more leading to the risk of a urinary tract infection.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises also prove to be beneficial if you do not have any kind of incontinence. Doing this exercise daily once or twice a day will keep the pelvic muscles strong and toned up helping to prevent the problem of incontinence from developing in future.
Kegel exercises are the best when it comes to strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. Search for the best pelvic muscle exerciser available online. Click here to get the best deals on different pelvic floor muscle trainer products.
Stress incontinence is a medical condition that takes place when there is a sudden pressure on your bladder which causes urine to leak. This pressure can be due to laughing, sneezing, coughing, jumping and running. Due to this, many people face embarrassing situations. Hence, doctors suggest an easy method to treat this problem and that is pelvic floor muscle exercise.
In order to have control on your bladder, you need to make certain lifestyle changes, like losing weight, quitting or reducing alcohol consumption and staying fit. If you do all these things together with the pelvic floor muscle exercises, you will soon get rid of this problem and start living your life stress-free and without embarrassment.
For doing these exercises, you can stand, sit or even lie down. Just remember that any position you choose, your body must be completely relaxed. There should be no tension in any muscle area otherwise this exercise will be of no use. Now, imagine that you need to urinate and as you do it, squeeze the muscles near your pelvis area as if you are trying to stop the flow of urine. Tighten the muscles and hold the contraction for five seconds then relax for five seconds. Do these at least ten times in a row. Slowly increase the count to ten seconds for tightening and ten seconds for relaxing as you practice. It is recommended to do a set of ten repetitions three times in a day viz. morning, afternoon and night.
The main advantage of this exercise is that you don't need to be in particular position as like other exercises. You can do it whenever and anywhere you want. Just keep the muscles around abdomen, thigh, chest and buttocks in a relaxed position. Also, never speed up the progress and increase the number of repetitions. This can cause muscle fatigue and increase in urine leakage. It takes time and effort to see any changes. While some people may see improvements in the first three months others might take four to eight weeks.
The other ways of exercising the pelvic floor muscles are Pilates, electrical stimulation and biofeedback but the best and easiest one is the one mentioned above. Just make sure that you don't perform kegal exercises and start and stop the urine flow actually while urinating otherwise this will weaken the muscles even more leading to the risk of a urinary tract infection.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises also prove to be beneficial if you do not have any kind of incontinence. Doing this exercise daily once or twice a day will keep the pelvic muscles strong and toned up helping to prevent the problem of incontinence from developing in future.
Kegel exercises are the best when it comes to strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. Search for the best pelvic muscle exerciser available online. Click here to get the best deals on different pelvic floor muscle trainer products.