Get Your Sex Life Back After Baby
Get Your Sex Life Back After Baby
There’s one emotional snare that many new parents fall prey to: “A lot of us wind up transferring our emotional energy to our kids versus expressing it as a couple,” says Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist in L.A.
Much of it has to do with oxytocin, the bonding chemical we release when we hug, make love... and breastfeed. “Directly after giving birth, the mother winds up getting her oxytocin from her kid,” Van Kirk explains. “I see couples disconnect, emotionally and physically.”
To get back on track, start talking -- and touching -- right away to raise your oxytocin levels. “Even in the first six weeks, when intercourse is frowned upon, set up time to give each other a massage or a foot rub,” she suggests.
And don’t be afraid to be opportunistic about sex, whether that means setting a sex date or taking advantage of baby's naps. “Even if it’s a quickie, it’s important,” says Van Kirk. “Sex begets more sex.”
Get Your Sex Life Back After Baby
Best: Just Touch Each Other
There’s one emotional snare that many new parents fall prey to: “A lot of us wind up transferring our emotional energy to our kids versus expressing it as a couple,” says Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist in L.A.
Much of it has to do with oxytocin, the bonding chemical we release when we hug, make love... and breastfeed. “Directly after giving birth, the mother winds up getting her oxytocin from her kid,” Van Kirk explains. “I see couples disconnect, emotionally and physically.”
To get back on track, start talking -- and touching -- right away to raise your oxytocin levels. “Even in the first six weeks, when intercourse is frowned upon, set up time to give each other a massage or a foot rub,” she suggests.
And don’t be afraid to be opportunistic about sex, whether that means setting a sex date or taking advantage of baby's naps. “Even if it’s a quickie, it’s important,” says Van Kirk. “Sex begets more sex.”