How to Repel Mosquitoes and Prevent Mosquito Bites
- 1). The first step to preventing mosquito bites is to invest in a quality bug zapper. The special light attracts mosquitoes and other bugs and then "zaps" or kills them.
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Tiki torches filled with citronella oil, when lit will effectively repels mosquitoes, thus reducing the possibility of being bitten by a mosquito. Citronella candles will repel mosquitoes just as well. - 3). Avon Skin So Soft rubbed onto the skin will repel mosquitoes and prevent bites. I'm not sure why it works, I just know that it does. I have used this product personally, on myself and even on my pets.
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Fresh, crushed garlic cloves will effectively repel mosquitoes and prevent mosquito bites. Simply crush the garlic until the juice is released and rub the juice over all exposed areas of the skin.
I have also heard that taking garlic capsules (supplements), on a daily basis will also repel mosquitoes and keep them from biting. The garlic "smell" is emitted through the skin as your body sweats, thus repelling mosquitoes. - 5). Some swear by vitamin B-1 tablets. I have not tried this myself but I have heard that a single B-1 tablet taken once a day will effectively repel mosquitoes and prevent mosquito bites. It is suppose to work the same way as the garlic supplement. The B-1 odor is released through the pores of the skin and mosquitoes are repelled by the smell. Worth a try to prevent mosquito bites.