Things You Should And Should Not Do During Pregnancy
Pregnancy should never be taken lightly, especially if it is your first.
There are many things that pregnant women have to go through, such as hormonal changes and weight fluctuations.
To ensure that you and your baby are healthy, there are things that you should and should not do.
Below are some pregnancy do's and don'ts that you should know: 1.
Get yourself checked regularly The easiest way to prevent complications and problems that may arise during pregnancy is by getting regular check-ups from doctor.
Additionally, ask your doctor to check your immunity to the Rubella disease, because this disease can lead to miscarriages or fetal deformities.
Getting a Rubella vaccine prior to getting pregnant is the safest way to avoid the disease.
Fulfill your daily protein, vitamin, fat, and folic acid requirements Sufficient consumption of vitamins does not only provide you and your baby nutrition, but it can also prevent you from getting diabetes which may occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
Meanwhile, protein is essential for the development of your baby's brain and it protects you against preeclampsia.
You should also consume 0.
4 mg folic acid every day to reduce your baby's risk of getting spinal bifida.
On the other hand, vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, hence your body needs fat to be able to absorb them.
Additionally, fat makes your skin more elastic and is important for the development of your baby's brain.
Do Kegel exercises regularly Strong pelvic muscles help make birth easier and less painful.
On the other hand, weak muscles may lead to premature flexion on your baby's head and a painful childbirth.
Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs Remember that your baby's main source of nutrition is the food you eat.
Smoking, be it firsthand or secondhand, is harmful towards the pregnant mother and her baby.
Smoke exposure can lead to fetal death, spontaneous abortion, pre-term birth, or an underweight baby.
Meanwhile, consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can lead to the worse case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as well as severe retardation.
Do not be tempted to take drugs.
They contain dangerous chemicals that may trigger internal organ failure, physical deformities, and impaired neurobehavioral development.
Do not eat junk food and consume caffeine Junk food, as its name suggests, does not contain enough nutrition.
Scientific studies show that children under the age of five who eat hot dogs more than once a week have higher risk of getting cancer than those who do not.
As for caffeine, you should avoid foods and beverages that contain this substance as it can increase your baby's risk of getting diabetes.
There are many things that pregnant women have to go through, such as hormonal changes and weight fluctuations.
To ensure that you and your baby are healthy, there are things that you should and should not do.
Below are some pregnancy do's and don'ts that you should know: 1.
Get yourself checked regularly The easiest way to prevent complications and problems that may arise during pregnancy is by getting regular check-ups from doctor.
Additionally, ask your doctor to check your immunity to the Rubella disease, because this disease can lead to miscarriages or fetal deformities.
Getting a Rubella vaccine prior to getting pregnant is the safest way to avoid the disease.
Fulfill your daily protein, vitamin, fat, and folic acid requirements Sufficient consumption of vitamins does not only provide you and your baby nutrition, but it can also prevent you from getting diabetes which may occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
Meanwhile, protein is essential for the development of your baby's brain and it protects you against preeclampsia.
You should also consume 0.
4 mg folic acid every day to reduce your baby's risk of getting spinal bifida.
On the other hand, vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, hence your body needs fat to be able to absorb them.
Additionally, fat makes your skin more elastic and is important for the development of your baby's brain.
Do Kegel exercises regularly Strong pelvic muscles help make birth easier and less painful.
On the other hand, weak muscles may lead to premature flexion on your baby's head and a painful childbirth.
Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs Remember that your baby's main source of nutrition is the food you eat.
Smoking, be it firsthand or secondhand, is harmful towards the pregnant mother and her baby.
Smoke exposure can lead to fetal death, spontaneous abortion, pre-term birth, or an underweight baby.
Meanwhile, consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can lead to the worse case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as well as severe retardation.
Do not be tempted to take drugs.
They contain dangerous chemicals that may trigger internal organ failure, physical deformities, and impaired neurobehavioral development.
Do not eat junk food and consume caffeine Junk food, as its name suggests, does not contain enough nutrition.
Scientific studies show that children under the age of five who eat hot dogs more than once a week have higher risk of getting cancer than those who do not.
As for caffeine, you should avoid foods and beverages that contain this substance as it can increase your baby's risk of getting diabetes.