Republicans Can't Stop Confusing Our Constitution With Their Bible
Republicans securities and trade from the Americans to remove their rights under the Religious dogmata, the main objectives are women and gays. Since the beginning of 2011, Republicans have passed across the country, hundreds of laws that discriminate against women and taking their right to choose for their reproductive health. It is no secret that taking the attacks on the rights of women of Christian thought inspired by the aim to force women to give birth, and away their equal rights guaranteed in the Constitution. It uses the same thought of the Bible based on discrimination against gays and their ability to marry and move in the country.
He cited Obama as president ordered the Justice Department to stop the protection of Defense of Marriage Act (Duma) in February, the constitutionality of the law. Attorney General Eric Holder Obama sentiment that the federal law definition of marriage only between a man and a woman can not be protected by the Constitution. Doma pregnant briefly and explained that "contains expressions that reflect the many gays and lesbians moral objection and intimate relations and family - exactly the kind of stereotypical thinking based on hatred and (Constitution) of the equal protection clause designed to protect against." Based on the equal protection clause in Amendment 14, saying that no one can be deprived of equal protection of the law (s), and the announcement by President Thomas Jefferson that "all men are created equal," wrote the Declaration of Independence. Holder also noted that the Supreme Court ruled that laws criminalizing gay behavior is unconstitutional and that the military "do not ask, do not tell" policy was canceled in late 2010.
There is no doubt that Doma is unconstitutional and it violates the equal protection clause in the Constitution. It involves discrimination against same-sex couples the right not to marry or to move across the country, which has heterosexual couples. Doma the definition of the Bible forces of marriage between a man and a woman in every citizen in the United States, and thus violates the Chancellor amendment 14 provides that all citizens equal protection under the law provided. Doma is that the federal law, it is much more than any state law that allows gay marriage, especially if gay couples in the transition from one country to another. So, if gay couples equal rights is not protected Doma War Constitution, the Ministry of Justice in the Statute is unconstitutional, it is clear that constitutional supporters in the Republican Party would be in line with the president.