How to Clean Yard Tools
- 1). Wash all dirt and grass from the tools with a water hose on the highest setting. Wash the tools immediately after using them. Do not store tools with dirt on them.
- 2). Scrub the tools with a hard-bristled brush to remove dirt that is ground into the tool. Dry the tools with a towel after washing.
- 3). Dampen the end of a rag with thin oil and rub the metal areas of the tool with the oily rag to help prevent rust. The type of oil used does not matter as long as it is thin enough to create a light sheen on the tools. Good choices are oils used to lubricate sewing machines or other devices with small moving parts (3-in-One is a common brand) or a basic 10W30 motor oil. Do not over-apply the oil onto the tools or it will drip onto the floor where your tools are stored.
- 1). Wipe the tools with a rough rag to remove sap and other gummy substances from the blades. If some of the sticky substance does not lift with wiping, dampen a cloth with paint thinner and rub the substance from the blade.
- 2). Wash the tools with a damp rag to remove dirt and any remaining residue. Do not submerge bladed tools or wash them with a water hose.
- 3). Dry the tools with a towel before storing them.