Does How You Conceive Determine Your Baby"s Gender? It Can - Here"s How

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I receive a lot of emails asking me if certain things (sexual intercourse positions, conception time corresponding with ovulation, the woman's acidity, etc.
) influence your baby's gender at the time of conception.
All of these things can certainly have an impact and if performed correctly, they can certainly change the outcome.
But often you have to be very diligent about them and you have to follow though on each and every variable, not just one of them during some of the time.
I will discuss this more in the following article.
The One Thing That Really Determines Your Baby's Gender: Often when I begin to tell people the single thing that determines whether you conceive a boy or a girl, they will guess that I'm going to say acidity, timing, or something else.
In truth, the one thing that you really have to worry about is which sperm chromosome fertilizes your egg.
This is the whole equation and nothing else.
If a Y chromosome is able to complete this task, then you and your partner have conceived a boy.
If it's an X chromosome that wins out, then you and your partner have conceived a girl.
And, make no mistake.
Specialists can and do achieve this in labs all of the time with PGD or preimplanation gender diagnosis.
The doctor simply determines the sex of the embryos before he implants them so that only the gender or sex that you want has been implanted and therefore has the chance of turning into a pregnancy.
This process has a very high success rate, but it costs many thousands of dollars and it doesn't always "take.
" Can I Accomplish The Same Thing That PGD Does At Home?: So the next logical question that most people ask if whether it's possible to get the fertility clinic results at home.
There are definitely things that you can do yourself to help get the gender that you want.
But, it's important to understand that you have no way of seeing what's going on inside your body.
And, you have no way to change the sperm chromosomes that the father to be is producing.
There are going to be both X's and Y's being produced and released and there is really nothing that you can do about this.
So, you can't control which sperm are being released.
(In other words, you can't really control what the father-to-be is contributing.
) But, you can control what happens to these sperm once they reach your own body.
I'll explain this more below.
Controlling What You Can (Without Being Able To See A Thing): So if you want a boy, then you want to do everything possible to make life easier for the Y's.
And, if you want a girl, then you want to be friendly to the X's but hostile to the Y's.
It's important that you understand how both act and react in their fight for the egg.
The Y's are the weakest of the bunch.
They live for days less than the X's and it doesn't take much to shake them off the trial.
You have to strike while the iron is hot with them.
The X's are pretty slow, but to make up for this they can live for days longer.
And this "days longer" thing really does come into play because if you want a girl, then you want to conceive much earlier than you would if you wanted a boy.
You actually want to start having intercourse before you get a positive with an ovulation predictor.
(This is why I like the saliva predictors because they are the only models that really allow for this correctly.
) But, if you want a boy, you want to hold off for a few days.
You want to be able to see a very clear and distinct positive and only then should you begin trying to get pregnant.
Remember when I said that you could only control what happens to the sperm chromosomes once they reach the mom-to-be's body? Well when they do this they are either going to meet with a high PH or a low PH.
In other words, they will either be dealing with an acidic or alkaline environment.
Girls can really thrive in either.
But, boys can only thrive in an alkaline environment.
So if you want a boy, then you will often need to lower your PH (depending on where you start, which you can find out using PH testing strips.
) If you want a girl, you could either leave this to mother nature (which I wouldn't recommend because you really should try to tweak every variable within your control) or you can work on being more acidic.
Acidity can be controlled and changed by your diet and the foods that you eat (every food is either alkaline or acidic) and by douching.
Your diet and the douches that you use will be completely different if you are trying for a boy than if you are trying for a girl.
The last thing to consider (and the easiest) are which sexual positions that you use.
Deeper penetration is more likely to conceive a boy, where shallow favors girl babies.
But sexual positioning alone is often not enough to change the outcome.
As I said, you really do have to be diligent with all of the variables and you should use the tools (ovulation predictors and PH test strips) available to you since you can't see a thing.
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