The Food to Eat and Avoid When You Want to Get Pregnant
Keeping your body healthy by eating the right food increases your chances of getting pregnant. When you are trying to conceive you should learn more about the food that you eat because what you take in affects the whole body system. Here is a run down on the kind of foods that will be helpful and detrimental in your attempt to getting pregnant.
You should consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Also known as Vitamin B, folic acid is essential for cell growth and reproduction plus reduces your chances in developing disabling diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart attack. It is also helpful in preventing the development of serious diseases in your baby so the best time to take this vitamin is when you are trying to conceive and on the first trimester of your pregnancy.
This type of vitamin can be found in most citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. Folic acid is water soluble so it flushes out of your system easily. Try eating leafy vegetables that are only steamed or blanched in a little water so it loses just a minimal amount of its vitamin content. If you think you are not getting enough Folic Acid in your system then take its supplement form. Remember supplements are taken as an additive and not as a replacement to your regular diet intake.
While fish is basically a health food, try to avoid those varieties that are rich in mercury such as swordfish, shark, tilefish and mackerel. Limit your coffee to 3 cups a day or less so the caffeine will not affect your fertility. Avoid consuming raw or smoked meats completely. Eat processed or packaged meats in very minimal amounts.
This dietary recommendation mentioned above will not cure infertility but by following these will increase your changes of conceiving.
You should consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Also known as Vitamin B, folic acid is essential for cell growth and reproduction plus reduces your chances in developing disabling diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart attack. It is also helpful in preventing the development of serious diseases in your baby so the best time to take this vitamin is when you are trying to conceive and on the first trimester of your pregnancy.
This type of vitamin can be found in most citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. Folic acid is water soluble so it flushes out of your system easily. Try eating leafy vegetables that are only steamed or blanched in a little water so it loses just a minimal amount of its vitamin content. If you think you are not getting enough Folic Acid in your system then take its supplement form. Remember supplements are taken as an additive and not as a replacement to your regular diet intake.
While fish is basically a health food, try to avoid those varieties that are rich in mercury such as swordfish, shark, tilefish and mackerel. Limit your coffee to 3 cups a day or less so the caffeine will not affect your fertility. Avoid consuming raw or smoked meats completely. Eat processed or packaged meats in very minimal amounts.
This dietary recommendation mentioned above will not cure infertility but by following these will increase your changes of conceiving.