Acne in Males
- It is a common belief that people outgrow acne after teenage years. This is not always the case. Acne in adult men is actually quite common. According to Ask Men, 70 percent of teenagers outgrow acne, but 30 percent suffer from acne as adults, as well. According to Web MD, "17 million adults in the U.S. have acne, with 25% of them being men."
- The skin contains many follicles that contain hair, oils, water from sweat glands and a fatty substance called sebum. When sebum gets stuck and does not flow easily out of the skin follicles, it produces acne. When the sebum gets stuck below the surface of the skin, it produces whiteheads, and when it gets stuck above the surface of the skin it produces blackheads, according to Web MD. This can happen due to stress, poor diet, poor sleeping habits, genetics and reasons that are unknown, according to Web MD.
- A common myth about acne is that if you pop a pimple, it will heal faster and go away. Not only does popping the pimple make it worse, but it also pushes germs further into the skin, which often results in an infection, according to Ask Men Online Newsletter. Acne can in fact cause scarring, especially after popping pimples. Another myth is that there is a difference between facial and body acne. Acne is the same no matter where it is on the body; it can be found anywhere on the body, except for the hands and feet, because the skin pores in the hands and feet do not have hair canals, according to Ask Men. Acne usually appears on the face, chest, back, neck, arms and buttocks.
- According to Web MD, acne products for men that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are good choices for treating male acne. Benzoyl peroxide destroys the bacteria in acne that causes infections, and salicylic acid helps unclog the pores. According to Web MD, other treatments for male acne could include antibiotics, vitamin A derivatives and anti-inflammatory medications. According to Ask Men, a good way of treating male acne is by washing the face daily with products designed for male acne.
- There are ways that men who suffer from acne can prevent an outbreak from occurring again once they have treated the acne. These prevention methods include eating a balanced and healthful diet, exercising, drinking water and softening the skin with a warm cloth before shaving, according to Acne Helper. Eating a balanced and healthful diet will provide the skin with the nutrients it needs. Exercise reduces stress and improves the circulation, which can prevent acne. Drinking water hydrates the skin. Softening the face with a warm cloth before shaving removes dead skin and smooths the face, which will eliminate nicks near acne regions and prevent the spreading of infection.