Organic Treatment for Bagworms
- 1). Check your evergreen trees in the fall, when other trees have lost their leaves, and you'll be able to see brown and dead patches on the trees better. Female bagworms can't fly, so they will stay on or near the trees they began on, and continue to eat.
- 2). Pull each bagworm off of the tree by hand. The sacs can be strong, but sturdy, so they may require garden gloves and quite a tug to get off. Continue working around the tree until all bagworms you see are removed from the tree.
- 3
Shasta daisies attract bugs that feed on bagworms.Jupiterimages/ Images
Submerge bagworms into a bucket or tub of water to drown them. Simply pulling them from the tree and leaving them on the ground will usually result in the larvae caterpillars inching back onto the trees and continuing their destruction. - 4). Plant asters or shasta daisies near your evergreen trees once you have rid your trees of all the bagworms you can find. Shasta daisies are a hardy flowering type of plant that attract parasitic bugs -- types of bugs that feed on larvae such as bagworms.
- 5). Don't kill the ichneumonid wasps your daisies attract. These aren't stinging wasps as you might think of, but are harmless to people, and will feed on harmful larvae nearby.