Teach Your Child Tolerance
Children are the fruit of love parents.
A child has a special place in the hearts of mother and father.
Child's success is the success of parents.
A child sometimes has an attitude that is not liked by his parents.
As a parent, you must be wise to address your child's attitude.
However, he is still small and not many know about everything.
The role of parents to guide children to do the right thing becomes very important.
Show that you have a tolerance.
The important thing is to teach your children about tolerance.
Tolerance is a child's ability to accept differences in others.
This can be done if a child has to feel and understand the attachment, affiliation, awareness and self regulation.
Give meaning to your child that this world is full of differences.
Outside there is a wide range of differences such as differences in religion, education, economy, nation, food, celebration and backgrounds.
You as parents should set an example for the children tend to imitate what their parents do.
You can start an example by respecting the differences inherent in large family, relatives or your neighbors.
One way to teach tolerance to children is to make children feel themselves special, valuable and accepted by the family and the environment.
Give words of praise if the child is doing well and proud.
If a child has felt that he was appreciated and accepted by others, it will be easier for children to accept others.
Another way to teach tolerance to children is to give words or positive comments like "you can do that", "you're smart", "you are good", and various other sentences.
Avoid the use of words or sentences negative.
Make your child can understand that everyone is entitled to be respected, no matter the person it came from different backgrounds.
To make children understand about these differences.
You can invite your child to get to know new things like seeing cultural performances from other countries, come to different economic environments, or create opportunities for your child to make friends with children who have various kinds of background.
Let's build a beautiful world with an attitude of tolerance.
A child has a special place in the hearts of mother and father.
Child's success is the success of parents.
A child sometimes has an attitude that is not liked by his parents.
As a parent, you must be wise to address your child's attitude.
However, he is still small and not many know about everything.
The role of parents to guide children to do the right thing becomes very important.
Show that you have a tolerance.
The important thing is to teach your children about tolerance.
Tolerance is a child's ability to accept differences in others.
This can be done if a child has to feel and understand the attachment, affiliation, awareness and self regulation.
Give meaning to your child that this world is full of differences.
Outside there is a wide range of differences such as differences in religion, education, economy, nation, food, celebration and backgrounds.
You as parents should set an example for the children tend to imitate what their parents do.
You can start an example by respecting the differences inherent in large family, relatives or your neighbors.
One way to teach tolerance to children is to make children feel themselves special, valuable and accepted by the family and the environment.
Give words of praise if the child is doing well and proud.
If a child has felt that he was appreciated and accepted by others, it will be easier for children to accept others.
Another way to teach tolerance to children is to give words or positive comments like "you can do that", "you're smart", "you are good", and various other sentences.
Avoid the use of words or sentences negative.
Make your child can understand that everyone is entitled to be respected, no matter the person it came from different backgrounds.
To make children understand about these differences.
You can invite your child to get to know new things like seeing cultural performances from other countries, come to different economic environments, or create opportunities for your child to make friends with children who have various kinds of background.
Let's build a beautiful world with an attitude of tolerance.