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Adolescent Health : Health & Medical

Choosing The Right Kids Table For Your Child's Bedroom

A child's room decor relies on all the items in the room matching and flowing together. What better way to decorate a child's room than with a kids table and chair set. Kids tables can be used for art projects or concentrating on homework.

Keeping Children Stress-Balanced and Smoke-Free

Stress attacks kids from numerous angles-academics, social pressures and family issues are examples of only a few. The fact is that today's youth is under tremendous pressure to succeed and do well in multiple arenas. Stress also is tied to youth smoking. Stress and the need to relieve that str

My Daughter's Report Card, Myself

The greatest surprise to me as a parent of children at the HIGH PERFORMING MAGNET SCHOOL is the amount of pressure there is on me and my academic performance, as it will be channeled through the brains and pencils of my innocent 2nd grader and kindergartner. The magic ingredient, besides good teachi

Doctor Who Toys

Have you been a follower of the cult TV series, 'Doctor Who' and wondered how it all began?The BBC decided it would be a good idea to have a science fiction programme for young people to watch on a Saturday night and after much planning, came up with the idea of 'Doctor Who', a

How to Raise Happy and Successful Children

Great parenting comes from one word - loving. You'll notice I did not say Love. People generally do not do Love very well. They get confused. They trip over the how to mechanism. Loving, on the other hand, is a breeze.

What You Put Into Your Child Now Is What Society Will Reap Later

A babies brain is like a sponge, by two years old they have learned a language just by hearing it, and if it is two languages they are hearing they will learn both. As a child develops they learn from their parents and others around them how to communicate, love, hate, relate to others, how to liste

Approach to Noncompliance: A Meeting That Never Happens

It's one thing to tell a difficult and defiant youngster about a looming consequence. Just a little creativity in the discussion, however, can have that son or daughter thinking THEY are being creative in redirecting a not-so-pleasant outcome. Advantage: Everyone wins!

A Baby Bib Makes Clean Ups Simpler

A baby bib is one of the most under rated pieces of clothing or accessories for infants and young children that you can buy today. Not only will it make meal times simpler for you and your baby, it will make clean ups simpler and less stressful too. If you are a fashion conscious parent like an incr

Emotional Development of the Child

Basic Needs: A baby needs love basically. He must feel safe. Their needs must be met as they arise. Hunger, for example, is an uneasiness that must be filled quickly. This is a totally addict who begs to be pampered and caressed.

Rocking Horses - Memories of Freedom

As a young child I often dreamed of riding a wild horse across the blazing hot desert. Since we had the opportunity to own horses, I would ride my favorite horse, Freedom, around our fenced in pasture and act out the dream. It is after one of these wonderful horse rides that I realized that I could

What To Do When You Leave High School

Many young people do not know what to do when they leave high school. But that doesn't mean they should blindly get a job doing whatever is available in their local area. Ask yourself, "Do I HAVE To Get A Job?" and find out what other options might be motivating to you.

Welcome Home - Little Ones

What little girl doesnt love to play 'house?' Well, with one of the many adorable doll houses that are available online, she can set up her very own by collecting furniture, decorating it and using her imagination as she brings the little family inside to life. Dollhouses provide hours and

Throwing a Birthday Party for Kids

Easy stress free tips for throwing a birthday party for kids or teens! Step-by-step guide to help you get ready for the party - easy peasy.

Toddler Boys Bedding

It's possible to purchase Toddler Boys Bedding in a choice of wonderful colors, ranging with rich colors such as red, brown, yellow, blue and neutral colors such as cream that consist of great designs and patterns on them. They can be purchased to accompany all other types of room accessories s

Refrigerator Art

How often do we celebrate that children see things so differently than adults? What a refreshing point of view they bring to the world!

Premarital Sex - A Responsibility Or Just a Game?

In our time today, we are living in fast world where traditional behaviors were replaced by modern and more aggressive ones. Just like in teenagers involved in intimate relationships. The traditional way of courting like the boy going to the girl's house as a show of respect is not anymore bein

Design Aspects to Look for in Strollers for Twins

There are numerous types and settings to consider when buying strollers for twins. As a mother of twins, the most important thing is to ensure that you can easily carry them when going outside which includes safe maneuvering of the stroller and safe carrying of all their baby items.