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Investing & Financial Markets : Business & Finance

Another Flip it Flop - When the House Ceases to Become a Secure Place to Live

When investing in housing becomes anything other than providing basic shelter, trouble is usually right around the corner. In the past few years, investing in real estate has been all about the quick flip using the greater fool theory - it's ok to bid the price of houses up defying gravity beca

Fundamental House Value - What Are Houses Really Worth?

The fundamental value of all housing prices is equivalent rents. Rents define the fundamental value of real estate because rental is a direct proxy for ownership; both rental and ownership provide for possession of property. Most people believe comparable sales define the value of real estate. In re

How to Be a Long Term Investor

Being a long-term investor is all about planning for the future. A little bit of effort over a long period of time can pay big dividends. Long-term investing tends to be for expensive things like retirement or a child's college education. Most families will save for both. You can boost your long-ter

How Does Issuing Stock Affect ROI?

Often a company will choose to issue new shares of stock when the company is choosing to make itself available for sale to the public -- to "go public" -- or when it has already gone public and wants to add to the total number of shares available. Issuing shares can affect an investor's return on in

Vending Massage Chairs For Business

What is Massage? Massage is a relaxation treatment which includes a variety of gliding, kneading, smooth strokes and other movements on the exterior layer of the muscles in order to release muscle tension and pain.

Forex Trading: Find Your Trading Style And Make Pips

The forex market can offer you the opportunity to make a full business out of it, just like you would if you wanted to quit your 9 to 5 day job and set up your own small business, except that forex means global reach, and big profit margins. The risks of the market work in our favor because they pro

Trading Turn Dates

Trading is all about dealing with probabilities. When you have a method for calculating turn dates that produce a high degree of probability that the market will likely turn, it is important to understand how to properly deal with it.

Foreign Investments and PCC (Protected Cell Company)

Though offshore investment is a relief for many as it proves good in protecting assets and giving tax benefits but one has to find the tax havens to enjoy such benefits. The benefit of these ...

How Do Mutual Funds Work

Mutual Funds primarily depend upon individual agents and distribution companies to market their schemes to the investors. Nowadays, they also market their schemes directly. Every Mutual Fund has a spe

Real Estate Investments - Offering Perks to Potential and Current Tenants

In a soft rental real estate market where vacancy rates are high, tenants can afford to be picky while landlords have to offer incentives and perks in an attempt to attract and retain tenants. These are often called "concessions." If you own rental property and are considering offering per

Allowable Guidelines on Dividends Paid

While investment professionals advocate an array of opinions suggesting how much dividends should be paid to shareholders and under what conditions, there are no absolute rules discerning right from wrong. For the most part, companies are allowed to pay dividends to shareholders without restriction

Call Options

Futures options are exciting investment opportunities and techniques like put and call options give investors great alternatives for making profits in commodities trading.

The Reality of Making Money With Forex Robots (Part 2)

In my last article we discussed the importance of choosing a Forex Robot that not only has a good record in back-test results, but is also producing around 85-100% profit in live trading. Now that ...