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Games : Technology

Inside the Boxscores - Week 10 - Part 1

Inside the Boxscores is a weekly feature from Matt Fargo that has been widely recognized as the best summation in college football over the past four years. He takes an in-depth look at each game and pulls out the most pertinent information that will help you handicap games in the future. College fo

The Red Light Errors

The Xbox 360 has various errors, and the red light errors are just a few of them. The red light errors are single red light error, two red lights error, three red lights error and the four red lights error. The red lights are those that are seen in the power ring, they replace the normally green lig

How to Find XBox 360 Demo Games

It can be hard to tell if a new Xbox 360 game is going to be worth the $60 or more you will have to shell out when it hits the stores, so checking out a demo first is the way to go. Demos give you the chance to play a few levels and see if the game will hold your interest long enough to warrant the

Simple Ways for Roulette Gamblers

The roulette game is indeed fascinating, although it offers players some disadvantages, especially with the house edge it has over the other games in casino, it is still one of the favorite games of casino fans and aficionados. This article endeavors to give some fine tips to boosts the chances of t

How to Play the Nordenwatch Scenario in "Warhammer Online"

"Warhammer Online" is a MMORGP produced by Mythic Entertainment. The contains many features common to previous MMO titles, while its focus is on realm-versus-realm combat. One of the main forms of this type of game play are scenarios, which are small battlegrounds where groups of players of the same

How to Connect PSP to PS2 Using a USB Port

The Sony PlayStation 2 has sold more consoles than any other console in the history of video games. Since 2000, Sony has sold more than 140 million units. In 2005, the company released the PlayStation Portable (PSP) to further promote the PlayStation brand. The PSP can actually connect to the PS2 vi

Major Parts of a Train

Many modern trains run on electricity instead of in railway/train station standing beside train image by L. Shat from Fotolia.comFor every type of train, there are several basic, similar parts. Each part of the train assists the other parts of the train; each works in tandem with...

Mobile Games for Girls

Girls can play many entertaining and educational games on their mobile phone image by patrimonio designs from Fotolia.comGirls use their mobile phones for more than chatting with friends. Mobile devices are used as cameras, calendars, wireless Internet connections, email and...

Video: How to Increase FPS in "Battlefield 3"

Video Transcript A-ten-hut! I am Sergeant Major Ogden. Today, how to increase FPS in "Battlefield 3." Come with me as I put your computer's video card on its feet and kick it in the rear. First dedicate your computer to the play of "Battlefield 3." Make sure all nonessential programs...

How to Import Cards in "Kaiba the Revenge"

In the PC collectible card game "Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge," you can import deck files from ""Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny" into "Kaiba the Revenge." This game function rewards players who continue to play through the "Power of Chaos" series. Whether you want to impor

Knowing When You Have Played Your Last Hand

The number of people using online casinos is increasing for many reasons. The first reason is that they are becoming widely known and trusted and the second, and maybe most importantly, is that people are becoming more internet savvy as the information, entertainment and much more is available there

How to Create a Backgammon Desktop for Mac

Backgammon, the highly competitive dice game with the distinctive playing board made of triangles, is popular around the globe. Scenes and boards from this game make a great background for a backgammon enthusiast's computer background. A quick search proves there are hundreds of images to choose fro

The Ultimate in Sports Betting

Are you searching for more facts about skilled Bet - The Ultimate Sports Betting method? In spite of whether you are an important person who likes to put bets in the games betting bazaar, places gambles just the once in a while on your preferred teams or you've no attention at all in gambling,

Civil War Generals 2 - Grant, Lee, Sherman

One of the greatest Civil War games ever Civil War Generals 2: Grant, Lee, Sherman is still as fun today as it was back in 1997. The game is one everyone should try if they can snag a copy though it may take a little work to make it work with Windows XP.

What Is The Ultimate Winning Pick 6 Lotto System?

You might wonder if there's such a thing as the ultimate winning pick 6 lotto system. The answer is fortunately yes. Others wonder if there was some magical way to choose all 6 winning numbers. The reality is, probably, but it wouldn't be anything close to "magical." It's al