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Family & Relationships : Family & Relationships

Healing Frozen Pain - Touching The Heart of Our Hurt

Hurt is a moment.Pain can last a lifetime.This article explores the difference between hurt and pain, and how we can lift the burden of frozen pain through body-centered emotional healing work.

Solar Energy Advantages-Save Money For One

All of us become so busy with our day to day lives and don't pay too much attention to the environment we live in.The cost of our utilities grow each day it seems and we ...

Massage for Sleep

Massage can be very effective for helping babies sleep deeper and for longer periods of time - which can translate into you being able to sleep longer as well. Sometimes all night! Not only does ...

How to Do Genealogy Research at the LDS Utah Center

The Latter-day Saint Family History Library contains the largest collection of genealogical information in the world. The library, originally founded by the Genealogical Society of Utah in 1894, is committed to capturing on film all worldwide data on public record such as deeds, wills, marriages, bi

The Family Tree Gifts

Family trees are a great gift that provoke nostalgia and shared tree image by Judy Ben Joud from Fotolia.comGiving a family tree as a gift is a great way to provoke nostalgia and relive memories together. Whether you buy a family tree arrangement or craft your own from...

Judge Not?

We have all said and heard this phrase, "Don't judge!" But the truth is, we do all the time. In actuality, judging others is part of life. It is something that you won't escape no matter how many times you utter the said phrase. You'll do it too. In fact, even saying "D

Methods to Enhance Communication in Verbal Children

Imagine how well your child could succeed with improved communication skills from a young age. Enhancing communication skills will help children both in school and in social situations. Your child will read, write and speak at a higher level. Improved verbal communication skills will help children d

The Six Very Best Seduction Strategies

The 6 Best Seduction Methods 1) SMILE - Psychology and body language professionals agree that one of many easiest things you'll be able to do to make your self immediately attractive and approachable is always ...

Installation And Care Of Different Roof Types

If you are considering getting a new roof installed on your home, you may be wondering what type of roofing will be most worth the investment of time and money. You could choose to reroof in the same material you have now or consider using an alternative material for your shingles. Here are a few ty

Free Tips to Save a Marriage!

People always have butterflies in their stomachs when they know that their big day is coming. It is something people do not get to experience all the time because there are those who would rather ...