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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships

Am I Gay or Bisexual?

Teenage guys who are trying to figure out their sexual orientation often wonder if they are gay or bisexual.

Getting Through That First Date - The Gay Dilemma

So you've met someone new - online, in a coffee shop or bookstore, through a mutual friend; it doesn't really matter. The two of you have decided to go on a date. Nothing major, just a feeling out, a chance to get to know each other better, to size each other up.


Definition for intersex

The New Breed Of Gayety

When someone told me that I "don't look gay", it hit my heart. What stereotype didn't I fit into that someone thought I was straight for some reason? That comment brought forth much thought on how society views gay & lesbionic people. I am an Everyday Advocate, and wear a simple

Mike Huckabee on Gay and Lesbian Issues

Mike Huckabee is a Republican candidate for the 2008 presidential nomination. Mike Huckabee responds to the issues important to gay and lesbian people, such as same-sex marriage, adoption and gays in the military.

Ten Simple Ways to Meet Lesbian & Bisexual Women

Meeting other lesbian, bisexual and bi-curious women doesn't have to be a difficult task. Your search can be quite fun and rewarding. This article explores ten sure-fire ways you can meet women who share your attraction to the lesbian and bisexual lifestyle. You might just meet the special woma

Who Supports Lesbian and Gay Adoption?

Many professional organizations support the rights of lesbians, gay, bisexuals and trans people to have a adopt children. Who supports LGBT adoption?

A Nasty STD You Didn't Know About

There's a new risk of cancer in men from a virus mostly associated with women. HPV is a growing concern for gay men and can lead to anal cancer. New research suggests that what's being called oral HPV can lead to higher risks of throat, neck and head cancers as well. Here's what you s

Top 10 Top Lesbian Make-Out Songs

These are the songs to cue up on your ipod or CD player when you and your girl want to make out. These lesbian make out songs are a great way to woo a new lesbian lover or make your long-time partner swoon.

Helpful Tips For Lesbian Parents

Gay marriage is legally recognized by a lot of states. However, things are different when gay couples decide to become parents. There are a number of ways that they can have kids: adoption is a viable option; so is artificial insemination in a lesbian relationship or sperm donation and surrogacy for

Take Advantage of Social Networking For the Gay Community

But even these popular sites just aren't good enough. Which is why social networking sites for the gay community are even more important. These sites are dedicated strictly for you, where you can meet like-minded folks from all over the world.

Iowa Gay Clubs

Though Des Moines, the capital city in Iowa has long been criticized for its red flavor, it is quickly changing to become one of the bluest cities in Iowa. Most of the best and most famous Iowa gay clubs can be found right in the capital city of Des Moines.