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Infectious Diseases : Health & Medical

Uses for Elderberry Extract

Sambucus nigra, or elder, is a shrub that produces an abundance of dark berries that are processed to create a syrup-like substance known as "elderberry extract." There are numerous claims about the medicinal benefits of this extract and other derivatives of the elderberry. According to the National

Ear Fungus Treatments

Regular checkups can help prevent ear ear to be visited image by TEMISTOCLE LUCARELLI from Fotolia.comEar fungus can appear on the inside of an ear or the external ear canal and lobes. This organism comes in many forms such as aspergillus niger, candida albicans and...

How to Recognize The Symptoms Of Strep Throat

One of the more common causes of sore throat is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Routinely known as strep throat it usually occurs in children and teens; however, adults can be infected as well. The symptoms of strep throat can be challenging to differentiate from other causes

What germs are in store this season?

Every season has its disease. Back-to-school brings home bugs. There are wintertime colds, fall asthma, spring allergies, and summertime mosquitoes.

Fatal Encephalitis and Myocarditis

During 1999 and 2000, a disease outbreak of West Nile (WN) virus occurred in humans, horses, and wild and zoological birds in the northeastern USA.

Tuberculosis Control in the 21st Century

In response to tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks in the United States in the late 1980s and early 1990s, U.S. hospitals spent tremendous resources to ensure a safer workplace.

Estimated Costs of False Laboratory Diagnoses

To date, studies investigating cases of laboratory cross-contamination have described only the resources to care for patients who received false diagnoses of tuberculosis (TB) to our knowledge, the costs attributable to cross-contamination have not been reported.

Streptococci Symptoms

A sore throat and fever are two symptoms of strep throat.sick woman image by forca from Fotolia.comStreptococci are the bacteria that cause what is commonly referred to as strep throat, a bacterial infection marked by pain, redness and swelling. Although a sore throat is always present in...

How to Tell If You Have Candida

Many people are aware of health problems associated with yeast overgrowth such as vaginal yeast infections, jock itch, athletes foot, or oral thrush. The bacteria responsible for these infections can also cause a multitude of health symptoms such as headaches, chronic fatigue, food allergies, and di

Predicting Trends in Helicobacter pylori

This model estimates that without any targeted intervention, the disappearance of H pylori from the US population will take more than a century.