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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Herbal Supplements That Boost Energy
In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration was granted authority to oversee the manufacturing of domestic- and foreign-made herbal supplements, according to the Mayo Clinic. These authoritative powers were phased in, with complete control coming in 2010. Several herbal supplements may help boost ener
How to Calculate Macronutrient
Macronutrients are the three main nutrients that humans need to survive. These include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. To calculate your macronutrient intake is to determine the proportion of each of these three nutrients in your diet. The reasons for calculating macronutrients range from wanting
Polyester Resin Safety
Polyester resin is a substance used in industrial gel coatings for marine, automotive, and electronic products, wind turbine blades. It is also used in the manufacture of fiber reinforced plastics (FRP), also known as fiberglass. The material is flammable and harmful to humans; therefore, a number
The Advantages of Biodegradable Materials
Protecting the environment has become an important issue. Increasingly, companies are trying to use eco-friendly materials in an effort to improve their images and minimize their damage to the environment. Biodegradable materials have significant advantages over their regular counterparts. Knowing t
About Thai Massage
Thai massage is called "nuad phaen boran" in Thai. That translates as "ancient massage." Thai massage originated 4,500 years ago in India. The techniques were transmitted to Thailand with the introduction of Buddhism. The massage techniques were lost in India, but have been preserved in Thailand.
How Lemon Juice Takes Away Bitterness From a Bitter Melon
Bitter melon has been used in Asian cultures for centuries. The list of illnesses that bitter melon can combat grows annually, including everything from weight loss to HIV/AIDS. However, it is most well known for counteracting Type 2 diabetes. The melon is shaped like a cucumber, but with gourd-like
How to Wash a Phiten Necklace
The Phiten necklace is a good symbol of well-being, energy and health. It is made of a special titanium material that is said to contribute to better flow of energy in the human body. The manufacturer also claims that it aids in counteracting various negative health conditions, including fatigue and
Home Cures for Bullous Pemphigoid
When you suffer from a condition known as bullous pemphigoid, also referred to simply as BP, you begin to experience periods of an almost chronic blistering to the skin. Often considered an autoimmune disorder, this condition prompts antibodies that normally fight off bacteria and other organisms to
P-6 Supplements Side Effects
P6 is an over-the-counter supplement that is designed to enhance the body's natural testosterone levels. It works by using plant-based phytosterols to increase the speed at which the body uses testosterone, and by decreasing the factors that can limit testosterone production. P6 also blocks estrogen
How to Let Go of Issues
Issues you have experienced in your past shape your present life. You learn about your tolerance for stress and conflict from issues you are facing currently, but you might be struggling to let go of certain troublesome problems or situations that are interfering with your daily routine and relation
Effective Herbs for Sinus Infections in Children
There are four pairs of sinuses in the facial bones. When these sinus cavities become inflamed--due to cold, flu, or allergy-induced obstruction--the mucus inside becomes lodged in the cavities. This is the uncomfortable misery known as sinusitus, a condition that can be treated with herbs.
OSHA Silo Regulations
Silos are a hazardous work environment.silos image by tomcat2170 from Fotolia.comSilos pose a hazardous environment for those who work on farms. For example, Penn State University stated in 2004 that quicksand-like grain engulfment accidents caused an average of 12 deaths each year. Poor...
Properties of Gelatin Capsules
Gelatin capsules are easier for the body to absorb than hard tablets.softgel capsule image by ivp from Fotolia.comOne impressive development in the medical field over the last century is the multitude of ways we can take our medicine. From pills to shots to fruit-flavored drinks, there...
Signs & Symptoms of Food Sensitivities
Food sensitivity is different from a food allergy. Food allergies tend to be immediate and severe, sometimes resulting in death, while a sensitivity, or intolerance, usually takes days or weeks to develop and reactions are less severe. Knowing the signs and symptoms of a food sensitivity helps you d
Fish Oil vs. Flaxseed Oil
Fish oil and flaxseed oil have many similarities and differences. While they are a rich source of essential fatty acids, they differ in the type of fats. When choosing which oil to take, keep these facts in mind.
Can I Sanitize a Wading Pool With Chlorine Bleach?
Chlorine bleach is a substance that is used for cleaning and sanitation. Wading pools, which are small, shallow pools mostly used by children, can be sanitized with chlorine bleach if proper protocols are followed. Chlorine bleach is the most effective way to sanitize a wading pool, as it kills germ
Homeopathic Remedies for TMJ
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is a condition in which the jaw feels locked in one place. Talking, eating, chewing and even drinking can become a tough task because the jaw is very sore and difficult to move. It usually is caused by stress, injury to the jaw or from clenching teeth while as
How to Replace Good Bacteria in Our Bodies With Herbs
Stress, poor diet and antibiotics are all contributing factors in the loss of probiotics in the digestive track. Restoring good bacteria consists of detoxifying the colon with a blend of cleansing herbs and supporting their health with prebiotics (mainly foods that contain inulin). Herbs that will a
Sources of PCE in Indoor Air
Tetrachloroethylene, also referred to as tetrachloroethene, PCE or PERC, is a colorless liquid used as a solvent for organic materials. Its most common use is in dry cleaning, but it also has applications as a degreaser and in some household products such as spot remover and paint strippers. PCE fu
How to Improve Communication in Hospitals
Improving communication in hospitals is one of the most important challenges facing the health services. According to the Joint Commission (a nonprofit organization that certifies thousands of health agencies across the nation), communication breakdown is the single greatest contributory factor to c