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Pest Control : Home & Garden
Tips for Treating Bed Bugs in Apartments
Bed bugs apartment problems are particularly difficult to treat as they require that multiple units are inspected. This requires cooperation from building management and tenants. If lower cost treatment methods fail such as spraying and vacuuming, then fumigation or heat treatment (thermal remediati
Pest Control Is Seasonal But You Can Do-It-Yourself If You Know What Insects To Watch For And When
Learn to identify the type of pest that's invading your home. Learn how to best treat for the pest that's troubling you.
How Pest Inspections Can Save You Money And Avoid The Risks Associated With Infestations
There are many significant benefits which a homeowner can take advantage of when they make the decision to come up with the chances that exist with pest inspections.
Mosquitoes & Disease - The Deadliest Creatures?
Most of the time, a mosquito bite is nothing more than a minor irritant that swells up, itches something fierce, then fades and is quickly forgotten. That is, unless that mosquito is carrying a bug of its own. Mosquitoes kill more than a million people across the globe every year through the transmi
What Do Stink Bugs Eat?
The question of what do stink bugs eat is a fascinatingly curious one. Ever since this particular species of insect first arrived on the shores of the United States a couple of decades ago, many entomologists have been scrambling to gather as much information and learn as much as possible about them
Termite Companies - Two Things You Should Do Before Hiring One
Thinking about hiring an exterminator to get rid of termites? Here are two things you should definitely do before hiring termite companies.
How To Get Rid of Geese Fast and Easy
The most effective way to fend off geese is to make your home as uninviting to geese as possible. There are goose control strategies available that are simple and non-lethal in getting rid of geese. Do Not Feed the Geese. Aside from the fact that human food is not good for a goose's diet, geese
A friend has bed bugs! What do you do?
Part 2 of poll response shows readers want information on bed bugs ... and this article provides just that.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies - A Practical Guide
One bad banana and your kitchen is full of fruit flies. Now you need to get rid of them, preferably fast so what do you do? This article explains a few easy tricks to keeping fruit flies away and how to kill them when they have already struck.
Flea Control for Pet Owners
Find out effective ways to get rid of fleas in your Houston TX home. This article includes several steps you can take to start to gain control of the problem over the long-term whereas short-term resu
Pest Control by Chemical Pesticides
Chemical pesticides are highly toxic and are very lethal not only to pests but anyone handling them, if not used with enough care.Currently, five major categories of pesticides exist; they are the inorganic compounds, organophosphates, chlorinated hydrocarbons, botanicals and carbonates.Each group c
Ticks Cause Severe Problems In Humans
This article highlights how ticks get onto the human host and the problems it causes thereafter. It also shows that this is rarely deadly, but the concept that people have of ticks instills fear.
Pest Control Services - Know What You Want
Some pest control services are only for the removal of the problem and not the prevention. Obviously, if you are looking to prevent an issue you would not call a company and hire them if that's not what they specialize in.
Cockroaches Shun Sugary Pesticide Baits
Sugar-loving German cockroaches now refusing to eat bait with glucose. Why and what can be done.
Termites - Destructive Insect Home Invaders
What can build homes for other animals out of fallen trees, are eaten roasted or fried in parts of Africa and Indonesia, is a major source of atmospheric methane, have been found on the bones of dinosaurs from the middle of Jurassic China, and have been around for over 250 million years? Here's
How to Identify a Mouse Infestation in Your Home
All about the common house mouse and why it is a problem.
How to Prepare for Pest Control Service
What do you need to do to prepare for pest control service? Whether service is for termites, bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, rats or mice, you will need to "prep."
Avoid roof cleaning and prevent pests with gutter protection
Cleaning out gutters and having to remove pest from the roof can be a real pain. Pigeons, rats and mice sneak in through the roof and cause untold damage once they are in there.
Tips For Getting Rid Of Pests
Therefore, if you live in or around the Los Angeles area and are experiencing wasp or hornet problems, it is a good idea to contact a professional Los Angeles pest control company to handle the proble
Termites - Some Interesting Facts
If you have a problem with termites or even if you just that reckon that you might have, you will have to learn about the appearance of termites and how they behave, unless, of course, you decide to call an expert in, which is clearly the easiest course. A common description of termites is that they