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Children & Kid Health : Health & Medical
Pediatric Dental Issues
Children should get regular checkups repairs image by sumos from Fotolia.comGood dental care starts about the time a child's first tooth arrives. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a first dental visit by the age of six months, and no later than a year....
Tyrosinemia Type 1: An Overview of Nursing Care
Tyrosinemia type 1 is a rare inherited metabolic disease that can be fatal -- when not detected early by newborn screening and properly managed. What role do nurses play?
Understanding Health Insurance Exchanges
State exchanges must be up and running by January 2014. Is your organization ready?
Celebrity Diaper Bags
Skip Hop Diaper Bags have been seen on many celebrity parents- moms and dads alike. Find out who carried a Skip Hop bag and find out which style suits you best.
Head Injury, Age 3 and Younger-Check Your Symptoms
Head Injury, Age 3 and Younger-Check Your Symptoms
The Easy Diaper Cakes Hint
You do not need to be an expert for making a diaper cake, but you need to have some effective diaper cake instructions for this.
When to start Potty Training Girls: Age versus Physical and Mental Readiness
So your little girl in now ready for potty training. This is an exciting and scary phase for most parents. You may feel ill equipped to teach your little girl how to correctly use the potty or the toi
Emerging Adults With and Without Type 1 Diabetes
How does diabetes type 1 affect the life path decisions, health behaviors, and psychological well-being of teens during the transition out of high school, compared to their healthy peers?
How to Care for Children With Tonsillitis
A sore throat, funny-sounding voice, fever and trouble getting food down are just a few symptoms of tonsillitis, a fairly common illness among children. Though it can become a more serious condition, for many children tonsillitis is simply painful and uncomfortable and requires careful attention fro
Baltic Amber ( amber teething necklace ) - Tests to identify a true amber
Baltic Amber ( amber teething necklace ) - Tests to identify a true amber.Tests to Determine Amber Authenticity: Smell Tests 'Rubbing' TestThe most effective – 'Hot Needle' 'Salty Water' Test IR spect
Hirschsprung's Disease-Frequently Asked Questions
Learning about Hirschsprung's disease:What is Hirschsprung's disease?Getting treatment:How can I comfort my baby in the hospital?How do I care for my child's ostomy?
Childrens Flu Symptoms
The flu, or influenza, is an extremely contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system. Children, especially young children, are more susceptible to the flu because their immune systems have not fully formed. In fact, 20,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized each year
2015 Pediatric Immunization Schedule: Changes You Should Know
What are the small, but important, changes to the 2015 recommendations for several vaccines that you must know?
When To Introduce Solids, Baby Food Guidelines
From birth to about 6 months your baby should only receive breastmilk or formula. Find out the appropriate timing for starting solids.
Affordable Fixed Wheel and Swivel Wheel Jogging Strollers
Jogging Strollers have many features that make them very flexible for the avid runner that needs a sports stroller or just for every day needs. These all terrain strollers are lightweight and have man
Learn How Bandana Bibs Are Keeping Shirts Dry And Keeping Babies Comfortable
Face it! Babies drool and slobber all over. It's all a part of the growing up process that both babies and parents experience. Once teething begins, out come the bibs in mass supply to catch all the saliva that seems to run on an endless supply. Bibs are an easy way to help keep clothing and ba
How To Have A Pink Decoration For Your Daughter
A Pinkalicious party demands pink, pink, and more of pink. From tableware to curtains, everything has to be in your daughter"s favorite color and carefully designed to look gracious and pretty.
November 2002: A Recipe for Raising Happy Children
There's no shortage of international adoptees.
Almond-Crusted Pork with Honey-Mustard Dipping Sauce Recipe
Almond-crusted pork with honey-mustard dipping sauce recipe from WebMD