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Wealth Building : Business & Finance

3 Surefire Ways to Get Rich Quick - Do They Really Work?

The numbers are in - economic experts have predicted that in 2010 the economy will still be on the down side. During these trying times, we tend to look for ways to alleviate the tight situation. A lot of people will always welcome those fast and easy prospects of improving their lot.

The Road to Passive Income

If you want enough passive income to get out of the rat race, you will want to read this.There is a lot of hype and nonsense out there about passive income.Let me show you how to get it right now.

How to Manage Trade Risk to Get Into the Big Winners

Using this mental exercise to enter a trade has taught me much.I have done this for years and have been very successful with it.Now, having trained myself in this way, I experience fear if these conditions are not true.

How to Price-Mark and Discover Yard Sale Items

Garage sale pieces can be located practically anyplace in a person's home. The basic act of cleaning and purging can lead to a bonanza of stuff that can be put up for sale in a garage sale to make a bit of added cash. If a person is thinking about organizing the preeminent garage sale of the ye

How to Safely Buy Silver Coins

If you are reading through this article, than you might be wondering what it might take to get you started in a new hobby of collecting silver coins. To buy silver coins, is a lot like the gold coin collections, which can get pricey the rarer they are, so be prepared for an expensive hobby.

Teach Your Teenager to Get Rich Slowly

I've often lamented the lack of financial education in our grade schools and high schools. So many young people don't have good financial role-models to look up to. Who is teaching your teenager about money and the importance of setting themselves up for a sound financial future?

Cultivating a Prosperity Mindset

If your head is where it needs to be to accumulate wealth, you'll feel confident, positive and powerful. But if your mind is sabotaging your progress, then lack will rule your day and worry will rule your nights. You cannot be in a lack state of mind and create wealth. So how do you get your mi

Understanding Bond Investing: It's a Matter of Balance

It's a common misconception to think of bonds as "plain-vanilla" investments that are appropriate only for certain types of people, such as financially conservative retirees. But in reality, bond investments may have the potential to add stability to a portfolio and help reduce overal

Do We Know the Source of Our Financial Success?

We can learn a lot from Abram. He knew the source of his strength and provision. He knew that he was nothing, and could do nothing, without God. Abram also served as a living testimony to unbelievers. Abram wanted others to see God work in his life so that maybe they, too, would turn to God. Let&apo

Saving money for the future is an essential job

Regardless of an individual's age or position in life the benefits of saving money for the future makes the endeavor a necessary action to survive. Gone are the days of past generations when financial security ...

The Fastest Way to Make a Profit in the Stock Market

This method will show you how to obtain up to 30% returns within minutes under the right conditions. Step 1: So the first question when searching for fast profits is: How much of of a profit do I require? This is such a personal question.

When Do The Rich Keep Their Money In The Bank?

There are times when even rich people keep their money in the bank. When deciding what is right for YOU consider your time frame first:SHORT TERMIf you are keeping your money in the bank to save for something important (hopefully, for a deposit on an income-producing property?) then don't be ov

All Roads Lead to Prosperity - Or Do They?

Prosperity is a fascinating subject to study and I've been spending a lot of time lately immersing myself in it. It's not that I haven't read a lot of books on the subject before - I have. But something has changed and I guess in everyone's life there comes a time when they sudde

A Guide to Financial Freedom Forever

Do you long to quit your boring nine to five job? Do you wish you were not living from paycheck to paycheck? Is your dream to enjoy your life and not worry about money? Well, you are not alone. In fact, you are one of the countless individuals yearning to live in financial freedom forever.