Easy Homemade Crochet Purses for Kids
- This drawstring purse, made from a polyester/chenille yarn with a glittery threads woven in, makes a gift in which a little girl will be proud to store her belongings.
Overall, the purse is crocheted in the round, which is a basic crochet technique. The purse grows round by round, using single crochet stitches. To make the purse wider, you increase by working two single crochet stitches in a single crochet stitch from the previous round. In the next round, make the purse even wider by working two single crochet stitches between each increase -- the width of the purse grows by six single crochet stitches. Make the purse grow taller with double crochet stitches. The instructions for round 9 indicate that, to increase to 48 stitches, you need to work in double crochet, increasing four stitches evenly in each round after row 10.
Because the purse is small -- 9 inches in diameter and 7 inches tall, not including the strap -- this project is quick to crochet, according to the Fave Crafts website. - The Little Heart purse is made using a multicolored yarn. To give a gift to a little girl on Valentine's Day, crochet the purse using a solid pink or red yarn. The purse is toddler size, measuring 17 rows of single crochet. Make two identical pieces, which you then crochet together to make the purse.
To crochet this little purse, you need to be comfortable with making increases and decreases so your work develops into a heart shape. This purse features bobbles, a specialty crochet stitch. You join the two sides with single crochet stitches, then begin making decorative bobbles. For the purse to have an opening at the top, you stop joining the two sides together, then crochet the bobbles on each piece. The strap is crocheted onto the purse at the same time you are crocheting the two sides together and crocheting the bobbles, writes the Bev's Country Cottage website. - This purse, made from a furry yarn, works up quickly, according to the site's author. It is crocheted differently from other purses; for the first round, you crochet half-double crochet stitches on one side of the foundation chain stitches and, after crocheting 3 half-double crochet stitches in the final chain of the foundation round, you turn the foundation round around and crochet one half-double crochet stitch in the unused loops of the chain stitch. In effect, you are beginning the two sides of this purse with both sides of the foundation round.
Because this little purse has only 18 rounds and you are crocheting one side, then turning the work around and working on the other side, it does grow quickly. Add the fun fur to the top for round 18, using a half-double crochet stitch.
Instead of crocheting a purse handle, buy a premade purse handle. Donna Lynn recommends buying a pearl and bead handle. Sew the handle to the opening of the purse using yarn and a large-eye tapestry needle.
To crochet this purse, you should feel comfortable with using an eyelash yarn and working in both sides of a foundation chain. - This purse is made up of granny squares. A granny square is a small textile piece worked in the round. This purse has, as the center of each granny square, a crocheted turtle, crocheted in the round. The surrounding area of the granny square is also crocheted in the round, using three colors.
Crochet eight motifs (granny squares). Using the same color as the last round of the granny squares, sew the squares together, four to a side. Stitch each side together, wrong side out.
Crochet a long strap using the same yarn you used to join the granny squares together and sew the strap to the open end of the purse.