How to Paint Your House & Make Every Room Look Great
Usually we do this when we redecorate, renovate, or if you just need a new coat to restore the original look.
Every time we need to paint, we give ourselves an opportunity to get creative, or change the feel of something we've always felt iffy about.
That being said, here are a few tips on how to paint your house so that it feels like every room really belongs! #1 Choose a Color Scheme The most important thing to do is to choose a color scheme.
So if you like dark tones, try to stick to those.
If you're a fan of pastels, try to keep things on lighter shades.
Remember, you don't have to have the same color scheme for every floor of your home.
So if you can't decide, you can have the best of both worlds by keeping pastels upstairs and dark tones downstairs, and vice versa.
The best pastel colors to use are yellow, blue, salmon, and lavender.
More daring colors include orange and green.
Living rooms work well with yellow and blue, kitchens light up with salmon or lavender, and bedroom colors can be up to the person sleeping in them.
Dark red, dark blue, dark green, and black are great colors to use for an edgier overall look.
Hallways look best in dark red, so do kitchens.
Dining rooms do well with dark green, while living rooms can be dark blue.
One cute trick you can do is to pain a room one color, and then paint on of its walls completely black.
Against this wall, you can put up your TV, or decorative furniture or art.
It gives a great "POW" effect.
Just remember that using dark colors can sometimes make your home appear smaller.
If you want to give things a twist, pastel walls trimmed with darker tones can look really good if the colors complement.
Use a color wheel to find out which colors naturally look better to the eye.
#2 Consider Your Furniture Classic country pieces may go better with pastel colors, while edgy modern pieces are likely to fit better with darker colors or simple plain white walls.
So consider your furniture, especially if you have certain one of a kind pieces that can cast an entire theme over a room.
Other than that, a lot of it will depend on where you put things! #3 Don't Go Wacky Unless It's YOU Sometimes we see homes in magazine or on television and think "hey, that's cute" so we try to copy the way they painted their walls or the color combinations they used.
Beware of this.
It may be cute, and yes you may like it, but can you live with it everyday? Remember that your home is also a place of refuge.
You have to be able to be happy there all the time.
Unless you want to constantly paint and re-paint your walls! #4 SAMPLE Before you paint an entire room, paint a small section of the wall with the color you like and let it sit there for a day or two.
It will give you an idea of what the final product will look like.
You can also paint different sections of the wall with your other color options so you can try them all out.
Painting a house can be expensive.
You have to buy materials, and pay for the labor.
However, you can cut costs by a huge margin if you do the work yourself.
Simply go down to a local hardware store and ask the store salesmen to help you find some good brushes.
Explain to them what you want to paint (the room, the home's exterior, etc.
) and they should point you in the right direction in terms of both brushes and what kind of paint you should use.
They should also be able to give you great tips on how to paint your house!