How to Tell a Guy You Like Him - 4 Tips to Say I Love You to Your Man
Because here, I am going to give you four tips based on a scenario to create the right ambiance to say I love you to your man.
Create The Right Ambiance Book a nice restaurant for just the two of you for an evening.
This is always possible if you are good friends with a chef or the owner of a restaurant.
Get the owner to get a band for you and also let him decorate the entire place with beautiful flowers, get some really soft and soothing music and create a warmth with real dim lights.
Send the Message Next you will have to send an anonymous message from your friend's cell phone to your man.
Let the text read the name of the restaurant and the address and give him the time and just to create the suspense add another line to say that he must be there because he would cherish it for the rest of his life.
If your man is adventurous, then you can be rest assured that he will get himself there.
Continue the Story Then call your man from your cell phone and tell him that you won't be able to meet him that particular evening because you would have to help your girlfriend with some shopping and ask her to corroborate the story.
Now that your man has nothing else to do, he will surely try making it for this mysterious invitation.
In the mean time, place directions from the entrance of the restaurant to the end with little love notes and one flower with each note.
The Finale At the appointed time, make certain that you are there at the seat that all the directions lead to and make certain that you are dressed in a pretty white dress with just a red rose and two candles on your table.
Once he sees you, he sure is to smile gloriously and everything to follow would unravel itself easily for him.
After the meal that your friend has made for two, go down on your knees and propose to him and say those three magic words.
You could also try this scenario on a pier or a dock or in a restaurant overlooking a valley.
Remember that these tips can be altered and made more romantic.
Now even you can tell your man "I love you" in the most romantic way possible.