How Do Facebook Wall Posts Get on News Feeds?
- Facebook will add items to your news feed that your friends have interacted with, such as news posts and wall posts, based on an algorithm that indicates you may find it interesting. Wall posts can be seen by mutual friends of both parties; for instance, if you post to your best friend's wall, all friends that you and your best friend share will be able to see that post in their news feed.
- When you go to post on a friend's wall, you do not have any privacy options in the same way that you do when you make a status update. The privacy of a post made on someone else's wall depends on their privacy settings -- if they have their profile set as public, your post will be public, though it is not shared in all their friend's feeds.
- Manage your own personal settings by clicking the Account button in the upper right corner of the Facebook page and selecting "Privacy Settings." Your basic options are Public, Friends and Custom, though you can further customize your settings from those basic setups. To change the privacy of your wall posts, click the "Edit Settings" link beside "How You Connect." Change who can see posts on your wall from friends under "Who can see Wall posts by others on your profile?"
- If you don't want to see wall posts from certain friends or friends of your friends, you can hover over the post with your cursor to display a small "x" in the upper right corner of the post. Click this "x" to display the "Hide this Post" option. Once the post is hidden, you'll have options to hide the individual users, as well as block the original poster.