Pet Movers make Pet Relocation to Singapore Easy
Relocating to another country requires many documentations and procedures to be signed and approved by authorities in both the countries. This is equally important and equally strenuous when pets are relocated along with the master who may be an individual or a family. Each country has its own rules and guidelines to be followed. Likewise Singapore has strict rules and regulations while importing and exporting pets. There are registered pet relocation companies who assist the family to transport the pets from one country to the other which will be a hassle free process both for the pets and the family. The pet relocation enterprises have expertise and knowledge in the animal quarantine Singapore which is located in Sembawang Animal Quarantine Station.
Quarantine booking for pets can be done online by submitting necessary documents and support papers at least six months in advance to book a place for the pet. An online submission of the application for booking is accepted along with a deposit. To get an approved space for an animal quarantine Singapore, pet's vaccination records, pet's serology reports, duly signed authorization letter, sterilization certificate, microchip installation certificate and some identity for proof of residency and passport details of the owner will have to be filed. The pet relocation company is responsible for the pets to reach the animal quarantine area. Except for cats and dogs relocated from Australia, New Zealand, UK and Ireland, for all other pets, animal quarantine are mandatory for a minimum of 30 days. Either the owner or the pet mover can receive the pet after the quarantine period is over. Pet movers have thorough knowledge on all the requirements and they plan well ahead for a trouble free relocation.
Pets are integral part of the family and relocating them to Singapore may be a huge strain on the family and the pets. A well planned relocation procedure with the help of reliable pet movers would definitely make it easier and less of a trouble. Pet movers can be checked out online for more details and is one of the most reliable and established movers in the industry. Relocating a pet dog to Singapore has some special requirements such as a special standard microchip is injected into the dog's body with details of the dog and the owner recorded. This is more for the security of the dog in case it goes missing or resold or taken out of the country illegally. Dogs entering Singapore need to have an air carrier booking for transit and the quarantine space has to be booked well in advance. Upon arrival at the Singapore airport the pet dog is transported by the airport staff to the quarantine area. The dog is given rabies shot irrespective of the one given in the country of origin.
It is advisable to get a place to stay at the earliest because while on quarantine the pet dog needs a pet license which can be applied online only after a housing lease is signed. This pet license is mandatory and is to be produced to the authorities while releasing you pet dog from quarantine. Dogs entering Singapore have a hard time on transit, but once they reach the quarantine depot, a well trained staff will look after them well. Once the dog is back home, there are some rules to be followed while taking them out to public area. Dogs have to be strictly on leash, dirtying outside is prohibited, dogs have special enclosed play areas where they can play with other pet dogs and a renewal of license is essential from time to time.
Quarantine booking for pets can be done online by submitting necessary documents and support papers at least six months in advance to book a place for the pet. An online submission of the application for booking is accepted along with a deposit. To get an approved space for an animal quarantine Singapore, pet's vaccination records, pet's serology reports, duly signed authorization letter, sterilization certificate, microchip installation certificate and some identity for proof of residency and passport details of the owner will have to be filed. The pet relocation company is responsible for the pets to reach the animal quarantine area. Except for cats and dogs relocated from Australia, New Zealand, UK and Ireland, for all other pets, animal quarantine are mandatory for a minimum of 30 days. Either the owner or the pet mover can receive the pet after the quarantine period is over. Pet movers have thorough knowledge on all the requirements and they plan well ahead for a trouble free relocation.
Pets are integral part of the family and relocating them to Singapore may be a huge strain on the family and the pets. A well planned relocation procedure with the help of reliable pet movers would definitely make it easier and less of a trouble. Pet movers can be checked out online for more details and is one of the most reliable and established movers in the industry. Relocating a pet dog to Singapore has some special requirements such as a special standard microchip is injected into the dog's body with details of the dog and the owner recorded. This is more for the security of the dog in case it goes missing or resold or taken out of the country illegally. Dogs entering Singapore need to have an air carrier booking for transit and the quarantine space has to be booked well in advance. Upon arrival at the Singapore airport the pet dog is transported by the airport staff to the quarantine area. The dog is given rabies shot irrespective of the one given in the country of origin.
It is advisable to get a place to stay at the earliest because while on quarantine the pet dog needs a pet license which can be applied online only after a housing lease is signed. This pet license is mandatory and is to be produced to the authorities while releasing you pet dog from quarantine. Dogs entering Singapore have a hard time on transit, but once they reach the quarantine depot, a well trained staff will look after them well. Once the dog is back home, there are some rules to be followed while taking them out to public area. Dogs have to be strictly on leash, dirtying outside is prohibited, dogs have special enclosed play areas where they can play with other pet dogs and a renewal of license is essential from time to time.