The importance of getting the sound quality right for your bar
Of course the quality and volume level of your sound system and speaker installation depends on who your target clientele are. If you are running a bar where business people can come and discuss work issues after office hours, then you will have to make sure the music is not too intrusive or lively. But if you are hoping to draw in a regular student crowd for example, then lively is what you will need to aim for. It is a good idea to vary the volume levels for different times of the day as afternoon visitors may want a more relaxed environment than weekend evening revellers.
The genre of music you play is also pretty crucial. If you or your staff team are choosing the music selection, it is worth remembering that not everyone will like what you play. It is best to vary the music genres you play unless you are aiming to attract only fans of a particular genre such as rock or disco music. This can be a very popular strategy. It is most important to just be aware of the power of music to attract and alienate people and how music tastes are very personal.
Also be aware of the sound quality of the music you are playing for your customers. Too much sound in the treble or presence range of the spectrum we hear can have unpleasant consequences. The ear is designed to be particularly sensitive to hearing in the presence or midrange frequency bands. As speech also occupies the treble or presence range of the frequency spectrum, socialising customers will have to compete with the music to be heard and hear each other. This can be enough to make people want to finish their drinks and go and find a more peaceful bar where they can chat more easily.
Finally, where you place your speaker installation is often overlooked in bars. Be aware not to place speakers too near to the bar or a seating area. It is most annoying and can even be stressful for staff and clientele alike to try to talk over a speaker that is pointing at you. The main point here is to be mindful of the bar visitors experience and suit the sound system you provide with your target market's needs and preferences.