How to Fix an Itchy Dog
- 1). Take your dog to the veterinarian for a checkup. Explain your dog's symptoms and the frequency of its scratching, as well as the location of the itch. Ask your vet whether allergies, parasites or a skin infection could be causing the itching.
- 2). Follow any advice or treatment procedure recommended by your veterinarian.
- 3). Bathe your dog in cool water to temporarily relieve the itching. Add baking soda, colloidal oatmeal or Epsom salts for added relief. Pat your dog dry with a towel; rubbing will make the itching worse.
- 4). Consider adding a fatty acid supplement such as marine oil or evening primrose oil to your dog's diet. The supplements can take a few weeks to relieve the itching, so this works best on long-term itching problems, such as allergies.
- 5). Give your dog an antihistamine as recommended by your veterinarian. The Food and Drug Administration does not approve over-the-counter antihistamines such as diphenhydramine or clemastine for use in dogs, but some vets prescribe them as an itch reliever.