How Often Should You Give a Dog a Bath?
- The rule of thumb is that most dogs need a bath about every six weeks, but this varies widely by breed. Generally, the longer the hair, the more frequently baths are required, but rarely more than once every three weeks. Use your own judgment: When a dog is visibly dirty or begins to stink, it is time for a bath.
- For most dogs, a mild shampoo made for dogs will work just fine. If your dog has long fur, consider buying conditioner to smooth out matted areas in the coat. If your dog has dry or sensitive skin, pet stores carry shampoo to address those concerns.
- The easiest way to bathe a dog is to place him in the bathtub and use warm water to get him wet. Lather his fur all over with shampoo (avoiding his eyes), then rinse thoroughly to prevent skin irritation from the soap.
- Do not to bathe your dog too frequently, as this will dry out the skin and cause itching and irritation.
- Use mild dog shampoo to bathe your dog--it is designed to accommodate the coarseness of most dog hair and it will not sting if it gets into the dog's eyes. If you happen to get shampoo in the dog's eyes while bathing, carefully wipe away any excess soap around the eyes and give the dog a moment to blink away any remaining shampoo.
Make the bath water warm. Slightly warmer than room temperature is ideal.