Dating Opportunities - 3 Steps to Being Prepared!
Are you going to keep falling into these traps or learn the signs to look for and be prepared to make the most of your opportunities.
Discover these 3 simple steps to help you to improve your social life now! With this warmer weather there are even more great opportunities for you as long as you are prepared.
After reading this article you will realize that there are dating opportunities all around you and it is much easier to notice when you know what to look for.
There are 3 easy steps to really make the most of this situation and improve your dating and social life.
Unprepared : Some people notice the opportunities around them and feel unprepared, under prepared or are taken by surprise and so they pass things up.
So the first thing you need to do is find out what it takes for you to feel more prepared! This is very individualized so I will share some basics and the fine tuning is something you can work out for yourself or you can contact me and I may be able to help.
Clueless: Other people do not even notice the opportunities around them or the signs of interest they are missing.
They may or may not be prepared for when these opportunities present themselves yet first they must realize what those important signs are.
So consider some things that you do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Consider going to a different place for lunch or coffee and exploring new neighborhoods and territories.
If you do laundry at home or pay a laundry mat to clean your clothing you may want to find a local place and do your own laundry just to test things out.
This tip has helped many of my clients and they were surprised at how simple and natural this can be.
Commonality is so important and since you and the other person you are talking with are both at the same place at the same time doing the same thing it tends to make them feel more comfortable with you and you with them.
Time and money are factors that may influence your choices so you need to weigh those along with the possibilities of meeting new people.
If you do not feel you will meet the kind of person that you are interested in at the laundry then pay a laundry mat to do it and use your time to go exploring someplace where you may find the type of people you will want to meet.
So rather than waiting for opportunities you may want to get more proACTIVE in finding opportunities.
Know what the signs of interest are ( they may surprise you because they are probably NOT what you learned elsewhere ) These signs are often much more subtle than television and film would have you believe.
Learn to become more prepared.
( know what you want so you will notice it when you see it and know what to say and do to get what you want ) This can take the form of relaxing yourself and mentally rehearsing how you want an interaction to happen.
Do this often enough with the right emotions and your subconscious mind will help you to be prepared for a similar situation in real life.
This is one of the wonders of hypnosis and enlisting the help of your imagination and mind to help you to enjoy your life more.
Make a list of chores and things you need and want to do each day, week and month and find ways to meet more people.
This way you get things done while exploring more places and meeting new people and bringing your best self along with you.
Here is a partial list to get you started on where you may find more dating opportunities : laundry, coffee, lunch, diner, haircut, exercise, recreation, shopping, groceries, etc.