How to Get Rid of BV Odour
This is universal and there is no need to be ashamed.
What would be shameful if you do not go and talk to your doctor about your situation.
The moment your gynecologist confirms that you have bacterial vaginosis, she will immediately recommend that you do the following steps to get rid of the smell.
Women thought all along that douching and vigorous washing can profusely take away the stench.
On the contrary, this causes more damaging with your knowledge.
By vigorously washing your vagina you also inflict pain on your tender vaginal lining.
What needs to be done is to observe proper hygiene and sanitation.
All you have to do is wash your vagina two times a day with pure water and any mild, gentle or pure unscented soap.
After washing, wipe yourself gently.
If you think that wearing clothes made from synthetic materials will stifle the smell, you are wrong again.
Instead of getting rid of the smell, this type of clothing encourages the build up of wetness in your vagina making it a breeding place for bad bacteria.
What you can do from now on is to wear cotton underwear and use pantiliners that easily absorb the vaginal discharges.
Do remember to change the pads as often as possible.
This way you keep your vagina fresh, clean and dry.
Bacterial vaginosis is also the result of being active in sex.
Make it a point to practice safe sex; always use condoms or any physical contraceptives that keep the infection at bay.
Also avoid having sex with different partners.
Do not use birth control pills because they can only affect your hormonal levels as well the good bacteria in your vagina.
The use of the pills will just make things worse for you; they kill both the good and bad microbes.
When the pill goes on effect it encourages the growth of more bad bacteria.
Take heed of these methods so that you can properly take care of yourself and be rid of bacterial vaginosis.
If you do not have this looked at, you stand at risk of having problems with your pelvic area.
Treating bacterial vaginosis using natural medication is just one way of looking after yourself.