4 Myths About Breast Implants
The 4 myths are - you need to replace breast implants regularly - silicone can leak into the blood stream and other areas - breast implants can prevent lactation, or the ability to produce breast milk - gummy bear implants aren't on the market yet 1- You need to replace breast implants regularly If there's nothing wrong with the implant, then you do not need to have it replaced.
Your implants are not tires that need wheel balancing and eventual replacement.
Assuming your breast implants remain intact, you do not need to replace them in a scheduled or routine way.
2- Silicone can leak into the blood stream and other areas Not true with the latest silicone breast implants.
The FDA approved silicone implants back on the US market in November 2006.
These implants are filled with silicone that is cohesive, or sticks to itself.
Even if the shell is damaged, the silicone doesn't leak or ooze into another body cavity.
3- Breast implants can prevent lactation, or the ability to produce breast milk.
Regardless of incision, there is a risk of inability to lactate, or produce milk.
However, if the breast augmentation surgery is done correctly, this risk is exceedingly low.
This is true for any surgical incision, specifically an areolar incision, breast fold incision, or underarm incision.
Care is taken to avoid the milk duct pathway to the nipple and areola during breast augmentation surgery.
Long term, the ability to produce milk should remain intact.
4- Gummy bear implants aren't on the market yet Cohesive or sticky silicone implants have been in the US market since November 2006.
FDA approval is still pending for better cohesive silicone gel-filled devices, but the current implant models are technically cohesive gel.