How to Cut & Engrave Plywood With a Laser
- 1). Draw your design in a CAD program, or scan a line-art drawing and import it into the software. Determine which lines should be cuts and which will be engraved. Assign a depth to each of these lines. With a cut, the depth will be the thickness of your wood; when engraving, it will not be as thick as your wood. In many software packages, the cuts and engraving are color-coded by depth, so check the specifications of your software before exporting the image to the laser engraver.
- 2). Double-check that all of your cut lines are cuts and that your engraving is marked as engraving. Remember that there is no "back" button once the machine begins.
- 3). Export the CAD image to the CNC interface on the laser engraver. In some cases, this may require transferring with a USB drive, but in many cases it can be opened in the CNC program on your computer.
- 4). Open the engraver and center the wood under the engraving arm. Close the engraver.
- 5). Turn on the machine. Allow it to run the full program of commands. It will engrave and cut the wood according to the CAD image you provided.
- 6). Wait for the machine to come to a stop. Turn off the laser engraver and remove the wood and the scraps.