Ideas for a Fifties Birthday Invitation
- Birthday invitations for those in their fifties can be funny.birthday image by Albert Lozano from
Birthday party invitations can be attractive and funny things to send out to guests, especially when you are in your fifties and most of your guests have been to every type of party out there. The tone and style of this birthday party invitation depends on the type of party you want to have. - Making a joke about your age, and the age of everyone attending your birthday party, is a funny way of advertising you're another year into your fifties. There can even be a funeral theme or zombie theme, especially if your birthday is anywhere near the end of October or the beginning of November so it can somehow coincide with Halloween. These invites can be very stark and look solemn, almost like a card in remembrance of you and when you were younger. Or the invitation can show a picture of you from when you were younger and wilder, showing off how you looked (and acted) in your wilder days.
- Photos are often worth a thousand words. A birthday invitation with all fifty plus candles lit and jammed into a melting cake is a great way to advertise your birthday party along with the time, address and anything people should bring or wear. A photo from your youth, even a baby picture, promoting who you were way back when is another way to advertise your birthday. This also allows people to hang this funny photo on their fridge or on their desks, so they are reminded of your birthday and will attend and will always have a great photo to gaze at, sharing your personality with them in some unique way.
- Sometimes less is more and simple is best. A simple invite with what birthday you are celebrating, where it is, what the party will be and the necessary attire is all you need to draw people to the party. This also works as an email invitation, via websites like or just simply in a series of emails. It is much cheaper that way and more efficient for everyone who is planning to attend, as they can simply add the invitation to the calendars on their computer with the click of a button. Just because you're in your fifties, doesn't mean you need to do things the old-fashioned way.