Cures for Vomiting Caused By Hangovers

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    Why You Feel So Sick

    • Your body is suffering from dehydration and withdrawal. The alcohol is replacing the water that normal makes it home in your body and so when you stop drinking alcohol your body begins to go through sort of an alcohol withdrawal. If you do not replace the alcohol with water, the effects of a hangover become very, very uncomfortable.

    Before You Drink

    • If you wake up the next morning dreading the sunlight, becoming instantly nauseous before your eyes even flutter open, dealing with a headache, than you made a couple of mistakes last night.
      Avoiding this kind of feeling begins before you even start drinking. As stated above, most of the hangover can be fixed by proper hydration, but before you hydrate, you must create a base.
      A base is the food you eat before drinking. While it might not help you stay sober longer, it certainly won't help you get drunker faster. Eat a lot of carbohydrates so they can soak up the yeast in alcohol. Meat will give you protein, which is also beneficial. A cheeseburger with fries is a good meal before a long night. Don't overload though. Stuffing your stomach with fettucini alfredo and putting a couple beers on top will make you very uncomfortable.

    While You Drink

    • It has been said that for every drink (beer, wine or shot), one should consume a glass of water. This works on two levels. It keeps water in your system so you will stay hydrated, and it slows down your drinking so you will not consume so much. If you find you can not drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink, try slugging half a glass down while waiting for the next round, or ordering another water every time you go to the bathroom. The key is to not forget to keep your body hydrated.

    Before Bed

    • Before going to bed drink one last glass of water with an ibuprofen or Advil. Excedrin for Migraine has been known to work wonders taken at night or in the morning if it is too late for food and water while drinking.

    The Next Morning

    • If the next morning comes and you feel all the side effects of a hangover, there are a couple of do's and don'ts that will make you feel a little better. Do not chug water. Your stomach is already sensitive from the alcohol. Sip some water, try to take an Advil or Excedrin and eat a few saltines. Do not eat a big greasy meal. When your stomach starts to settle down, you should eat something, but don't gorge and upset your stomach again.
      Mother's Vinegar, the brand, has shown impressive results to currying a hangover to those brave enough to face the smell.
      "Bite the hair of the dog that bit you" refers to slowly drinking whatever you consumed the night before. This will replace the alcohol in your blood stream and stave off the hangover, possibly letting you avoid one at all.

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