Bush is Like a Trapped Mouse
Whoa is Bush. If ever a mouse were trapped in some maze without an exit what an analogy it would make. George W., attacked from every possible angle. It's sad to say, but, well, didn't he do it to himself? We went to find WMDs in IRAQ and they weren't there. We hunted for Osama for years and the man just doesn't seem to exist anymore. So he's hiding in Pakistan or the mountains of Afghanistan, right? I just don't get it. Maybe someone should explain it to me as if I were a two year old. Isn't the U.S. military the most powerful armed force ever created in the history of well, history. And we can't find one man.
If failure seems to be the topic of this piece, then let's just keep trucking along then. What about Iran and N. Korea. What's our plan here, have a nuclear showdown to see who's the toughest guy on the block and blow up the planet? I give up, George W. has without a doubt put a black mark on our nation. I love my country. I've been around the world, so I know what we have here in America and it's beyond wonderful. But, in my 30 years on this earth I have never been more embarrassed to be an American. In my mind and I hope in the minds of most Americans, the next presidential election cannot come soon enough.
Peter Bezanson