How to Control Overeating in 3 Simple Steps
In this short article I wish to present you with a 3 step process to learn how to control overeating for good.
This is a sequence that you can begin using right now to have more control over what you eat and how much of it you eat.
I believe this will help you eat better and enjoy food more...
The first thing you need to do is engage in some inner analysis.
Your overeating isn't done in a vacuum.
You're eating too much due to some emotional reason (which is why it's called emotional eating).
By figuring out the emotional triggers that drive yout to overeat, you'll be able to foresee when the urge will come upon you and be better prepared to fight it off.
I believe this can prove to be a valuable step in the way to control your eating.
Whenever you sense an emotional trigger coming on, you'll be more aware of things and be able to stop the immediate rush to eat.
If you're wondering what is an emotional eating trigger, it can be any emotion that causes a craving such as stress, sadness, loneliness and so on.
Each person has different triggers so find out your own.
The second thing you need to do is to give yourself a pause between your emotions and eating.
The reason why you overeat is that you have no time to actually think about what you're doing as your mind is clouded by your emotions.
A short pause will give you an excellent chance to stop this.
Whenever you feel the urge to eat or when you feel one of your emotional triggers, stop and calmly count to 60.
Only then, if your hunger persists, should you go and have something to eat.
This enables you to stop the irrational hunger and to eat more logically.
Third, you need to do some work on yourself and your emotions.
You have to eliminate stress in your life, reduce the presence of tempting food around you (without depriving yourself of them completely), cut down on your contact with negative people, and anything else that makes you feel bad.
Here you're working on the causes of overeating and really eliminating the problem.
Don't neglect this issue as it may get worse with time and harder to correct.
However, no matter how long you've had this problem, you can deal with it.
The time to start is now.
This is a sequence that you can begin using right now to have more control over what you eat and how much of it you eat.
I believe this will help you eat better and enjoy food more...
The first thing you need to do is engage in some inner analysis.
Your overeating isn't done in a vacuum.
You're eating too much due to some emotional reason (which is why it's called emotional eating).
By figuring out the emotional triggers that drive yout to overeat, you'll be able to foresee when the urge will come upon you and be better prepared to fight it off.
I believe this can prove to be a valuable step in the way to control your eating.
Whenever you sense an emotional trigger coming on, you'll be more aware of things and be able to stop the immediate rush to eat.
If you're wondering what is an emotional eating trigger, it can be any emotion that causes a craving such as stress, sadness, loneliness and so on.
Each person has different triggers so find out your own.
The second thing you need to do is to give yourself a pause between your emotions and eating.
The reason why you overeat is that you have no time to actually think about what you're doing as your mind is clouded by your emotions.
A short pause will give you an excellent chance to stop this.
Whenever you feel the urge to eat or when you feel one of your emotional triggers, stop and calmly count to 60.
Only then, if your hunger persists, should you go and have something to eat.
This enables you to stop the irrational hunger and to eat more logically.
Third, you need to do some work on yourself and your emotions.
You have to eliminate stress in your life, reduce the presence of tempting food around you (without depriving yourself of them completely), cut down on your contact with negative people, and anything else that makes you feel bad.
Here you're working on the causes of overeating and really eliminating the problem.
Don't neglect this issue as it may get worse with time and harder to correct.
However, no matter how long you've had this problem, you can deal with it.
The time to start is now.