Tips To Choose A Cheap Book Printing Service Provider In Korea
Quality is Key There is a wide line which separates cheap book printing from poor quality printing and thus you should not compromise on the quality of your book. Does that sound contradictory? No, it is not, as professional printing service providers optimize the cost of book without compromising on the quality. This is done by choosing the right kind of paper, printing technology and the choice of binding. So before you zero in on a firm offering cheap printing services it is important that you research on their track record and see samples of books published in the past. A look at their portfolio will also give you a fair idea on the quality of their work.
Ask For Quotes To reduce the cost of publishing your book it would be wise to ask for quotes from different printing service providers. Demand a cost breakup in terms of cost of paper, binding, printing cost for four color images etc. Once you know the cost breakup you can be in a better position to understand your exact requirements. It also helps you streamline the costs further by choosing the right quality of materials and printing techniques. The printing agency should respond to your request at the earliest as this is a clear sign of professionalism.
Shipping Solutions This is one of the things which many authors especially the first timers tend to ignore while choosing a printing agency. Shipping of books by air or surface might add substantially to your costs as this involves moving large volume of cargo. Professional printing service providers bear the shipping charges and also offer door to door delivery and it would be a wise idea to hire such service providers.
Turnaround Time/Customer Service Choose a printing agency that processes the order in a short turnaround time. You can guarantee this by putting penalty clauses for delay in delivery. Apart from offering you cheap printing services the company should also have a 24x7 customer care service where you can get answers to your queries regarding quotes, status of printing and delivery. The agency should also regularly communicate with you regarding the status of your printing.
These tips will help you choose a cheap book printing service provider in Korea. Be extremely choosy as this will ensure you high quality printing and that too at affordable rates.