What is Acid Indigestion and What Can You Do About it?
Heartburn is one of the main symptoms of acid reflux but it is also a symptom of ischemic heart disease as well. Thus, it is always important to get checked out by your doctor because a misdiagnosis can lead to serious problems.
So, basically acid indigestion is the same as heartburn. It is just another term for this often painful condition. I remember that my grandfather often complained of having indigestion. Most people today simply call it heartburn or acid reflux.
What Can This Condition Lead To?
People who are prone to getting this digestive condition will experience a number of health problems including the following:
Chest Pain
Loss of Appetite
Abdominal Discomfort
Many people feel that heartburn is not a big deal, but it or acid indigestion can cause other health problems if not dealt with.
What Acid Indigestion Remedies Are Most Effective?
I can not say that all these remedies will work as I have not tried all of them. I will leave it up to you to decide whether or not you should try them.
One of the most common home remedies for dealing with reflux or indigestion related stomach ailments is to change your diet. Most of the time it is the food you eat or drink that causes the symptoms.
This can be difficult for some people because usually it is the foods we like the most that cause us the most discomfort with our stomachs.
Here is a simple home remedy for acid indigestion that seems to work for a lot of people. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoonful of ginger juice and two teaspoonfuls of honey. Mix it up and drink it down when experiencing the pain of heartburn.
If you have problems with your digestion then try this. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a cup of warm water before you eat. That is suppose to help with digestion.
One thing that I find that helps with my indigestion problems is a hot cup of herbal tea. That really seems to settle my stomach. One thing I will not do is resort to the latest medication for heartburn. There is usually going to be a natural alternative that will work just as well as a pharmaceutical.