Traffic Bollards - Choosing the Right Traffic Bollards For Your Needs For Home and Workplace
Read on for how to figure out what's right for you and your situation.
For some inexplicable reason, not too many people get very excited over your average bollard.
But they might be surprised to discover how important they are and in how many different varieties they can be found.
If you are looking for covers for traffic bollards, you can choose from ribbed bollard covers in nine different colors and a range of sizes.
The covers are ribbed in order to provide some extra protection in instances where vehicles come into contact with them.
The different covers are available to protect 4", 6" and 8" posts.
There are other types of covers.
Most of them are 56" long and come in a huge variety of sizes and colors to fit most average posts.
Yellow 6" and 8" post covers are also available in 72" lengths if you need the taller ones.
Colors are vast and include yellow, red, lime, green, handicap blue, orange, white, and black.
If your posts are in different sizes, the covers can also be trimmed for an exact fit.
Colored traffic bollard covers are particularly useful where you need bollards to stand out on your property, or if you need the covers to soften any impact.
There's another plus: traffic bollard covers also eliminate the cost of paint and maintenance.
If you need smooth post sleeves for traffic bollards, then that's okay, too.
Just like the ribbed covers, there's a great range of smooth post sleeves.
The smooth post sleeves will fit posts that are 4", 6" and 8" in diameter, and are available in 56" lengths.
Colors are restricted to red or yellow only, but red and yellow are the most appropriate safety colors.
The smooth post sleeves are made of high visibility material with UV inhibitors that resist fading, rusting or cracking.
So that means they have a long life span, which will save you lots of money.
How will it save you money? You will no longer have to paint your posts every couple of years, that's how.
If you are looking for decorative bollards instead of bollard covers, there's a range that look like cast iron but are lightweight.
The bollards are durable because they are made of high density polyethylene, so they'll last for years and take scrapes and bumps.
Even better, they look really good.
The decorative bollards are also resistant to UV rays, weather, chemicals, cracks and dents.
There are three styles to choose from: Golf Traditions, Hitching Post or Classic.
The bollards are easy to install and maintenance free.
You'll find that there are dozens of uses for decorative bollards; you can use them to mark boundaries, to control vehicular and human traffic, to add value to any building, or simply to improve the appearance of your property.
And they're an economic solution to preventing damage to buildings, machinery, and other installations.