Was Jesus Too Smart to Run For Public Office?
During the CNN - uTube GOP Presidential debate, a question was asked about the Death Penalty and what would Jesus do? Mike Huckabee the grassroots candidate and Theology Candidate said matter of factly:
Jesus was too smart to run for office!Indeed, this got a huge laugh out of the audience, but if Jesus who really did not have a huge education was too smart to run for political office, then why are these people on stage debating? If a smart person would not run for office, then why are all these jokers running for office? Mike Huckabee got a laugh and it made for an entertaining debate and TV, but in a way he is saying that he and everyone else up there are not smart, because a smart person would not put their head on a chopping block and run for office in the first place.
So, if Jesus was too smart to run for office, maybe we all need to vote; "None of the Above" in this coming election because this nation is way too important to have a dumb President in the White House and if only a stupid person would run for President, then maybe we need to completely re-think how we are doing things in this nation.
Personally, I think Mike Huckabee is correct, Jesus probably knew better than to run for public office, so then who should we vote for in this Presidential Election? Think on it.
Learn more about Ron Paul for President and the Ron Paul Freedom movement: http://www.
com Learn more about Mike Huckabee: http://www.