Cold Sore Free Forever Program
If you want to finally cure your painful, embarrassing and contagious cold sores or herpes complex, without spending a fortune on useless over-the-counter products and disappointing medications that don't work, then this is by far the most important letter you'll ever read.
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You've tried prescription medications provided by doctors and dermatologists. The bad thing about prescription creams and pills is they work fine... for a short while. Then, your cold sores come back!
And, you'll have to take another day off work and pay another co-pay to the doctor's office to get another prescription that doesn't work.
I was desperate to find a solution. Like you, feeling embarrassed was a daily battle for me. You see, unlike some people who get only one or two outbreaks a year, I got an outbreak every few weeks. Or, right after the previous blisters cleared up. Grab A Copy Click here
I defied every doctor along with their expensive treatments and over-the-counter products.
Yes, even Abreva, the current over-the-counter cold sore fad. In fact, every time I see an Abreva commercial, I want to throw a tube right at the TV.
After about 7 years of fighting my battle with cold sores, I hit rock bottom.
I was on anti-anxiety, anti-depressant medication due to my depression. I rarely came out of the house. I started taking classes online so I wouldn't have to see anyone face-to-face. I even quit my corporate job to work online so I wouldn't have to go outside. My home became my hiding spot.
When my family caught on to what I was doing, hiding from the world, they knocked some sense into me.
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You've tried prescription medications provided by doctors and dermatologists. The bad thing about prescription creams and pills is they work fine... for a short while. Then, your cold sores come back!
And, you'll have to take another day off work and pay another co-pay to the doctor's office to get another prescription that doesn't work.
I was desperate to find a solution. Like you, feeling embarrassed was a daily battle for me. You see, unlike some people who get only one or two outbreaks a year, I got an outbreak every few weeks. Or, right after the previous blisters cleared up. Grab A Copy Click here
I defied every doctor along with their expensive treatments and over-the-counter products.
Yes, even Abreva, the current over-the-counter cold sore fad. In fact, every time I see an Abreva commercial, I want to throw a tube right at the TV.
After about 7 years of fighting my battle with cold sores, I hit rock bottom.
I was on anti-anxiety, anti-depressant medication due to my depression. I rarely came out of the house. I started taking classes online so I wouldn't have to see anyone face-to-face. I even quit my corporate job to work online so I wouldn't have to go outside. My home became my hiding spot.
When my family caught on to what I was doing, hiding from the world, they knocked some sense into me.
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