Types of Spanish Clothing
- Expect suits and ties for business ventures in Spain.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Men rarely wear casual wear like shorts or sports wear in the city, although crisp, pleated shorts are seen in summer. While trending to more casual styles in recent years, men in Spain dress fashionably in trousers and button-down shirts about town. Even in warm weather, business is conducted in suits and ties. - Reserve beachwear for the beach in Spain.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
Avoid miniskirts and midriff-baring tops in Spain -- particularly in rural villages - as they are considered inappropriate. Longer skirts, dresses, trousers and blouses will serve you better if you wish to blend in. Tailored suits and blouses are appropriate for business. Save bathing suits and skimpier clothing for beach trips where even partial nudity may be acceptable. - Denim is popular among Spain's youth.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Teens and young adult Spaniards dress more casually than older generations, but designer fashion and quality is still important to them. Teenage girls wear trousers more often today than in the past and denim is growing in popularity for both male and female teens. Like adults in Spain, youths reserves sportswear for the playing field and beachwear for the beach. - Traditional Spanish styles include the sombrero de alanche.Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images
In sharp contrast to more conservative modern tastes, traditional Spanish costumes are bold in both color and style. Trajes de faraleas cover a woman completely but hug her figure before flaring out in colorful ruffles. Flower and comb hair ornaments and delicate shawls known as mantons complete the look for women. The "vaquero" style is traditional for men. High-waisted pants with decorated seams and short jackets create a romantic ensemble topped by the sombrero de alanche.