How to use a Free Household Budget Worksheet
- 1). First list all your household earnings from work, family business, financial assets, real estate income, etc. on your budget worksheet.
- 2). Then record your must pay obligations, then list all your consumables, then list your personal and family responsibilities, then discretionary earned revenue you have free.
- 3). Pay obligations consist of rent or mortgage, loans, indemnity, league dues, tuition, childcare etc.
- 4). Consumables embody such things as food, petroleum, auto care items, household utilities, pest control, car upkeep, etc. These budget expenses must be bought but you are free to spend these in differing amounts.
- 5). Personal and family responsibilities are things like habiliment, educational supplies, hair cuts and manicures, vacations, and any other needed items.
- 6). At the bottom of your household budget worksheet list Net or Actual Earnings left over after paying obligations. This residuum must be used to budget for daily pocket money and separate purchases.