What a Social Networking Script Should Offer
What the business owner should be very concerned with though are the features and functionalities that the social networking script can offer. Especially if the script comes with a price (some scripts are free to download), choosing one should be given ample time and consideration. One element of a good script is the level of ownership and control. Business owners must make sure they have full ownership and full control over the site that they'll be building through the script; this also includes all the data (including views and opinions expressed by members), the functions, the customizations, and most especially the income from building the social networking site.
Another feature that the social networking script should have is the ease of converting social data from one format to another – videos, photos, music and texts. This is important because it helps business owners to easily gather and analyze social data so they can convert them into something useful for the company aside from the fact that allowing community members to work with these social data attracts them to stay in the site and even invite their friends to join. It would be nice to have an instant messenger within the site as well as it helps enhance connections among members. Other features like event creation, group formation, blogs, forums, and many more are other features of a good script. Not all of these can be useful for a specific type of business though so a business owner should be able to point out which features he needs so he's not wasting money on paying for something he will not need or use.