Sleep Apnea and Depression
Many people ha?e wondered wh?ther there ?s ? correlation bet?een sleep apnea and depression. The?e have ?een studies done on the cor?elation between the? and the majority of studies hav? concluded th?t there is ?n association. The?e sam? st?dies have dete?mined that depression symptoms lessen ?ith the treatment ?f sleep apnea . If sleep apnea is untreated th?n the depression symptoms have remained.
Stud?es ha?e also shown that people with depression ar? five t?mes lik?ly to ha?e ? breathing ?elated ?leep diso?der than people who a?e not depressed. If depressed, ?t ma? be ? good ide? to consult ?ith y?ur doctor t? determine whether yo? hav? a sleep disorder. Sl?ep ?pnea and depressi?n are disorders that ?an disrupt y?ur life immensely.
D?pressed people may al?o suffer from chronic snor?ng ?nd obstruct?ve sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep apn?a ?nd depression if l?ft untreated c?n disrupt ? ?ersons family, professional ?nd social life.
It is known though th?t the symptoms of depression ?nd obstructed sleep apnea ar? co?mon to both ?f these d?sorders thu? ther? b?ing ? close relationship bet?een the two.
Sleep disorders like sleep apnea ?nd insomnia prevent y?u from getting a good nights rest. Hence, ? lack of slee? mak?s yo? irritable and in a b?d m?od and just take? the life ?ut of you. The result of a lack ?f ?esult c?uld b? dec?eased performance at wor?, in?reased risk ?f injury or mistake. The?e are depression-causing symptoms. As you ?an see, there is ? correlation betw?en sleep apnea and depressi?n.
Insomn?a can disru?t ? person's lif? just li?e sleep apnea . Insomnia cau?es a ?erson t? ?tart worrying about g?tting ?nough ?leep. A? ?t escalates, y?u begin to get d?pressed. Depress?on can als? cause a person to exper?ence insomnia.
Many sh?ft worke?s will experience di?orders such a? insomnia and depression because they f?nd ?t impossible t? sleep during the day. Sleep apnea and depression can als? caus? seve?e sleeping problems in shift worker? as well. Peopl? ?ho liv? in northern cl?mates that s?e ? reduction in ?unlight du?ing the winter months experien?e ? disorder called SAD (Seasonal Affe?tive Disorder).
Studies have ?een conducted that ?uggest that obstructive sleep apnea syndrom? i? definitely associated with a high?r rate ?f depression ?nd that ?eople who g?t their sleep apnea tr?ated co?ld h?ve their depression contr?lled as well. A sp?cific study d?ne where eighteen thousand p?ople in five different countries were contacted b? telephone to answer questions on sleep ?atterns, sleep sched?les, breathing related sleep disorders, mental disorders and other medic?l conditions. Th? result? were that 2.1 percent of th? pe?ple qu?stioned had sleep apnea and 2.5 percent had another t?pe ?f breathing-related sleep di?order. Eighteen pe?cent of the people wh? had a depre?sive t?pe dis?rder also had ? breathing-relat?d sleep d?sorder. Thus, a five-time incre?se in likelihood of ? breathing-related disorder among people with ? depressive disorder. Sleep apnea and depression were linked ac?ording t? this stud?. One th?ng th? study cannot confi?m ?s what ca?e first, the sleep apnea or the dep?ession. It is cle?r though that mor? research needs to be done on this su?ject.
Stud?es ha?e also shown that people with depression ar? five t?mes lik?ly to ha?e ? breathing ?elated ?leep diso?der than people who a?e not depressed. If depressed, ?t ma? be ? good ide? to consult ?ith y?ur doctor t? determine whether yo? hav? a sleep disorder. Sl?ep ?pnea and depressi?n are disorders that ?an disrupt y?ur life immensely.
D?pressed people may al?o suffer from chronic snor?ng ?nd obstruct?ve sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep apn?a ?nd depression if l?ft untreated c?n disrupt ? ?ersons family, professional ?nd social life.
It is known though th?t the symptoms of depression ?nd obstructed sleep apnea ar? co?mon to both ?f these d?sorders thu? ther? b?ing ? close relationship bet?een the two.
Sleep disorders like sleep apnea ?nd insomnia prevent y?u from getting a good nights rest. Hence, ? lack of slee? mak?s yo? irritable and in a b?d m?od and just take? the life ?ut of you. The result of a lack ?f ?esult c?uld b? dec?eased performance at wor?, in?reased risk ?f injury or mistake. The?e are depression-causing symptoms. As you ?an see, there is ? correlation betw?en sleep apnea and depressi?n.
Insomn?a can disru?t ? person's lif? just li?e sleep apnea . Insomnia cau?es a ?erson t? ?tart worrying about g?tting ?nough ?leep. A? ?t escalates, y?u begin to get d?pressed. Depress?on can als? cause a person to exper?ence insomnia.
Many sh?ft worke?s will experience di?orders such a? insomnia and depression because they f?nd ?t impossible t? sleep during the day. Sleep apnea and depression can als? caus? seve?e sleeping problems in shift worker? as well. Peopl? ?ho liv? in northern cl?mates that s?e ? reduction in ?unlight du?ing the winter months experien?e ? disorder called SAD (Seasonal Affe?tive Disorder).
Studies have ?een conducted that ?uggest that obstructive sleep apnea syndrom? i? definitely associated with a high?r rate ?f depression ?nd that ?eople who g?t their sleep apnea tr?ated co?ld h?ve their depression contr?lled as well. A sp?cific study d?ne where eighteen thousand p?ople in five different countries were contacted b? telephone to answer questions on sleep ?atterns, sleep sched?les, breathing related sleep disorders, mental disorders and other medic?l conditions. Th? result? were that 2.1 percent of th? pe?ple qu?stioned had sleep apnea and 2.5 percent had another t?pe ?f breathing-related sleep di?order. Eighteen pe?cent of the people wh? had a depre?sive t?pe dis?rder also had ? breathing-relat?d sleep d?sorder. Thus, a five-time incre?se in likelihood of ? breathing-related disorder among people with ? depressive disorder. Sleep apnea and depression were linked ac?ording t? this stud?. One th?ng th? study cannot confi?m ?s what ca?e first, the sleep apnea or the dep?ession. It is cle?r though that mor? research needs to be done on this su?ject.