Care Bear Party Tips
So, I thought about an easy way to have a quick and simple birthday party perfect for toddlers.
I was thrilled that the theme she wanted was Care Bears! The Cloud Race Set up: With a black marker, number the cups 1 to 8.
Tape the cups to the floor with the openings facing the same direction.
Place the higher numbers further away from the smaller numbers.
Make small balls (clouds) out of pellow batting.
Game: Use the straws to blow the clouds into the cups.
The person with the highest points wins! Pin the heart on the Care Bear Preparation: Draw a large picture of a Care Bear on poster board.
Cut out 3 hearts on construction paper.
You can use a heart, star, rainbow, or sun depending upon what Care Bear is your favorite.
Game: Just like pin the tail on the donkey, spin each child around in 3 circles and let them place the heart on the Care Bear.
Search the clouds Preparation: Place pillow batting in a large box.
Dump candy and toys into a box.
Game: Give each child a bag and have them "search the clouds" for goodies! Other party ideas As my friend did not want many games, we agreed just a few would be suitable for her party.
However any of the following activities would also be fun for children.
Make a coloring book: here are great links to Care Bear themed coloring pages
- Care Bear Coloring Pages - coloring book fun
- Coloring Book pages - about.
com - Care Bear Pages [http://coloring-book-pages.
asp?CategoryID=88] - coloringbookpages.
Let them "swirl" the rainbow with a straw.
Find the Care Bear: cut out patterns of hearts or suns.
Set a pathway around the house leading them to the prize.
Have each team follow their "picture" to find the Care Bear! Build a bear workshop: find inexpensive bears or Care Bears.
Remove the seems with a seam riper about an inch.
Save the stuffing.
Sew fabric hearts for the children to "add love" to each bear.
During the party, have the children stuff the bears and adding their special heart inside each bear.
You could also have other areas set up such as beads for necklaces and clothing.
In the end my friend loved the party and it was the easiest party I have ever planned! What mattered most was the kids were happy..