Saving a Long Distance Relationship - Is it Worth the Effort?
Sometimes, saving a long distance relationship is well worth the efforts.
Other times it is not.
You'll have to decide for yourself if you're going to want to invest the time and energy needed to save your long distance love or if it's time to move on to something a little closer to home.
These relationships can be great.
In many ways they force couples to communicate more than they might if they lived in the same house and shared all meals together.
Because long distance relationships take a great deal of work and effort on the part of those involved they are sometimes stronger than other relationships that have many fewer miles between them.
When these relationships find themselves in trouble there are a few questions that should be asked before deciding on saving a long distance relationship or making serious changes.
1) Is this a virtual relationship or a flesh and blood relationship? If you've had actual face to face experience with the person you've been sharing all these moments online or on the phone with it's one thing.
If you've never met in person perhaps the trouble in the relationship is a sign that all is not right.
2) Have you ever been a local relationship? People relocate for business all the time and normal, local dating relationships can suddenly find themselves adjusting to life as couples separated by many miles.
It can be taxing on the relationships and saving a long distance relationship of this nature might require that one person make the decision to move.
3) How deep is the bond? There are varying degrees of love.
If your relationship is having problems but "out of sight" means "out of mind" more often than not it's probably time to move on.
If absence is making your heart grow fonder despite the challenge of miles between you it's probably worth working to save the relationship (provided the other party feels the same).