10 Steps to Greater Personal Power, Happiness and Success
Personal power and success comes through disciplined habitual choice in thought, emotion and action.
Here are ten brief concepts you can act upon each day to help you achieve greater abundance in your life.
· You most often get what you think about, expect and look for in life.
Look only for the best & goodness in yourself, life & others.
Look for and expect greatness, abundance and happiness and that is what you will find and create.
· The best way to get what you want is often to help others get what they want.
Do you want success? Joy? Abundance? Help others achieve theirs and the favor will be returned by them, karma, the universe or your own subconscious.
· Look forward to each day with enthusiasm & positive certainty & expectation.
Happiness and life success don't usually fall in our laps, we create it with our thoughts, emotions and expectations.
· Take risks.
Nothing much is ever accomplished playing it safe.
Think small, achieve small.
Think great, achieve great.
Pretty simple equations.
· Set unreasonable, challenging, but attainable boundaries and goals for yourself, but not for others.
You have to think and act in life.
Why not think and act BIG! What do you have to lose? But don't expect or demand the same from others.
You have no control or authority over them.
Expecting the same from them only sets you up for disappointment and frustration.
· Congratulate and reward your little wins along the way.
Celebrate little milestones along the way.
You deserve it and this will compel you forward in a positive direction.
Give yourself abundance and happiness and the universe will follow suite.
· Smile a lot.
Have a playful attitude.
Why not? Isn't it more fun to have fun? So choose this.
Empowerment comes from within.
It won't simply appear from the heavens.
· Be spontaneous.
See life as a constant adventure.
We live only once, as best I can tell.
At least in this body, this iteration we live only once.
Squeeze the most juice you can out of yourself and your life EACH AND EVERY DAY! · Trust your gut intuition.
It's rarely wrong.
· Be aware of your thoughts and your words.
Remember, what you think and speak about is what you are looking for and creating in your life.
If you catch yourself engaging in negative, even neutral, thoughts or words, immediately replace them with positive, supportive, creative, encouraging, empowering, or loving thoughts or words.
Creative abundance, joy, prosperity and personal power are yours for the taking.
TAKE THEM! Peace and love to you all.
Copyright Christopher Babson - All Rights Reserved
Here are ten brief concepts you can act upon each day to help you achieve greater abundance in your life.
· You most often get what you think about, expect and look for in life.
Look only for the best & goodness in yourself, life & others.
Look for and expect greatness, abundance and happiness and that is what you will find and create.
· The best way to get what you want is often to help others get what they want.
Do you want success? Joy? Abundance? Help others achieve theirs and the favor will be returned by them, karma, the universe or your own subconscious.
· Look forward to each day with enthusiasm & positive certainty & expectation.
Happiness and life success don't usually fall in our laps, we create it with our thoughts, emotions and expectations.
· Take risks.
Nothing much is ever accomplished playing it safe.
Think small, achieve small.
Think great, achieve great.
Pretty simple equations.
· Set unreasonable, challenging, but attainable boundaries and goals for yourself, but not for others.
You have to think and act in life.
Why not think and act BIG! What do you have to lose? But don't expect or demand the same from others.
You have no control or authority over them.
Expecting the same from them only sets you up for disappointment and frustration.
· Congratulate and reward your little wins along the way.
Celebrate little milestones along the way.
You deserve it and this will compel you forward in a positive direction.
Give yourself abundance and happiness and the universe will follow suite.
· Smile a lot.
Have a playful attitude.
Why not? Isn't it more fun to have fun? So choose this.
Empowerment comes from within.
It won't simply appear from the heavens.
· Be spontaneous.
See life as a constant adventure.
We live only once, as best I can tell.
At least in this body, this iteration we live only once.
Squeeze the most juice you can out of yourself and your life EACH AND EVERY DAY! · Trust your gut intuition.
It's rarely wrong.
· Be aware of your thoughts and your words.
Remember, what you think and speak about is what you are looking for and creating in your life.
If you catch yourself engaging in negative, even neutral, thoughts or words, immediately replace them with positive, supportive, creative, encouraging, empowering, or loving thoughts or words.
Creative abundance, joy, prosperity and personal power are yours for the taking.
TAKE THEM! Peace and love to you all.
Copyright Christopher Babson - All Rights Reserved