Patient, Provider Views of Why Patients Seek Care in EDs
Patient, Provider Views of Why Patients Seek Care in EDs
The majority of patients who seek care in an ED do so because they believe their problem to be serious, and almost half do so on the advice of a family member, friend, or health care provider. A sizable minority of patients who seek care in an ED are referred there by a PCP, an alternate provider, or a health care facility. PCPs agree that the most common reason their patients seek care in an ED is that they feel they are too sick to be seen in an office or they become sick after hours. Availability of PCPs, access to observation units, and 24-h radiology and laboratory services may decrease their referrals to EDs.
The majority of patients who seek care in an ED do so because they believe their problem to be serious, and almost half do so on the advice of a family member, friend, or health care provider. A sizable minority of patients who seek care in an ED are referred there by a PCP, an alternate provider, or a health care facility. PCPs agree that the most common reason their patients seek care in an ED is that they feel they are too sick to be seen in an office or they become sick after hours. Availability of PCPs, access to observation units, and 24-h radiology and laboratory services may decrease their referrals to EDs.